
Dear Ann,

My reaction is not so severe, and may take up to eight hours.  Usually I notice my bowel movements either go into constipation or diarhea after several hours.  Then my skin breaks out especially on my scalp and face.  It looks like acne, but it's a reaction to the gluten.  My sister who is also celiac, reacts pretty strongly and quickly, usually with in 1/2 hour to an hour.  She gets severe cramps, rash, and breaks out too.  I think reactions may vary in timing and severity.  Usually I can pin-point it to whatever food I ate that has unfamiliar ingredients, often salad dressing because so many of them use distilled vinegar, or sometimes something with natural flavors, or malto-dextrin.  Malto-dextrin often is derived from corn, but it can also be from barley (very bad).

My sister also had problems with night shades, corn, and some other gluten-free foods.  She discovered she had a bacterial infection in her stomach.  She took a strong dose of antibiotics, but it took several months to diagnose in the first place, and so took a while for it to heal.  Now she is finally able to eat tomotoes and potatoes again.  She is so happy.  This particular bacteria infection is common in people with celiac sprue.  I' m sorry I don't have the specific name for it, but I can get it from my sister.  She doesn't subscribe to this list because she isn't diabetic. 



>From: Ann Tingle <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Celiac-Diabetes Support List <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: [CELIAC-DIABETES] Info please
>Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 21:56:39 +0100
>My son is 23, has been diabetic since he was nine(type 1) and was diagnosed celiac 2yrs ago (though probably had it for at least 4yrs prior to that) He also has diabetic peripheral neuropathy and did have symptoms of autonomic neuropathy but has recovered quite a bit from that. I'm interested in knowing peoples experience of how quickly they react to eating gluten. When he reacts it is very severe but we have trouble working out what he may have eaten because we don't know the time it takes for a reaction. Also is being sick a reaction or would this be due to something else? He is very careful with what he eats
>* Please remember some posters may be WHEAT-FREE, but not GLUTEN-FREE *

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