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march, 2003

Can The Worst Bring Out The Best?

by Frank Scott

“ He is the worst president in all of American history.” Helen Thomas

Removing the historic burden of incompetence from the shoulders of
Reagan, Clinton and others, the outspoken woman says  what most
spineless men of the press cannot bring themselves to utter. She
represents the best in American media, and contrasts with the worst,
which repeat lies, avoid truth and act as lap dogs for leadership .

The tragedy of lives lost in war research disguised as space flight
briefly removed from consciousness the  lives lost every day through
wars, traffic accidents and other forms of violence. But however
sincere,  choreographed mass grief cannot last long , given daily
bulletins that contradict the regime’s program of idiotic immorality and
bloody disrespect towards Iraq, Palestine and ultimately, the  world.

The proposed link between Saddam and Osama is  ridiculous , swallowed
only by the  gullible or bigoted. The unmistakable connection is
between Tony Blair’s lips and America’s butt. The  British toady is the
ultimate shame of the old mother country, crawling before the bogus
administration of the former colonies.

Having previously groveled before Clinton, Blair now snivels before
Bush, revealing Britain’s New Labor  as twin to the New Democrats of the
USA. Both represent old Republican values with new packaging and product
branding. These  soft-core submissives front for hard-core  dominators,
behind phony grins and pious rhetoric that mask the reality of bloody

The political liturgy of  USrael and its flunkies  has as much divine
content as that of the  demons from Terrorist Central. Both groups claim
direct connections to deity, with  humanity left wondering which
loonies  pose the greater threat. Most of the world fears the U.S.
colossus and its israeli satellite, though you’d never learn that from
major US media. The most powerful nation on earth seems to be threatened
by one of the weakest , and this while it brags about how much damage it
will cause if not obeyed. The planned iraqi slaughter is merely a
prelude to USrael exercising more total control over middle east oil ,
and water. Do we have a prayer?

We might as well be invested in the supernatural , given our mortgaging
of the future to expenditures for waste, murder and stupidity. At the
beginning of the 1980s, the total of all consumer, business and
government debt was about 4 trillion dollars. Near the end of 2002, that
figure had escalated to over 30 trillion. During the same period, our
prison population  grew from 1.8  to 6.4 million. And those prisoners
were not composed of the corporate thieves who were briefly part of our
national story, before 911.

Who owes that massive and socially murderous debt, and why was it
incurred? The government portion has been squandered on war and other
forms of immoral waste, while  business and consumer loans have enabled
most of us to live in a style we cannot afford, purchasing things we
don’t need, and for which we should never have to pay. But we are part
of a majority which somehow owes interest to an unprincipled minority of
loan sharks.  They own most of that debt, and employ government to
insure that they get payment.

That minority group  receives ever more “affirmative action”, widening
and deepening the gap between it and the majority , as its taxes are
lowered while theirs increase. That’s what it pays its employees in
government to assure; that it remains on top, reaping  profits while the
majority carries the loss, in material debt and mental depression.
Meanwhile, we are warned about their problems, which become ours. Like,
their foreign policy of terror, which becomes our domestic threat of

White America’s favorite black man recently informed the world that Iraq
menaces everyone, according to plagiarized British term papers and
fictionalized israeli spy reports. He showed aerial photos revealing 18
refrigerated trucks which serve a dual purpose . They could either be
deadly bio-weapons labs , or deliver deadly fruits and vegetables . And,
most frighteningly , they might be driven by Iraqi teamsters. The taped
conversations between iraqi military personnel as evidence of dangerous
subterfuge - possibly recorded in American studios -  left fortunate
people laughing, and unfortunate people fearing nerve gas attack . It’s
more likely that we’ll suffer brain death from toxic poisons seeping
into our minds, all emanating from our government and media.

The last administration downsized government, ravaging democracy in the
process. Clinton, beloved by many with stars in their eyes and sawdust
in their heads, never received a majority vote in his two terms. But
this more dreadful minority regime, which received less than 25% of the
electorate’s vote and lost the election , is downsizing consciousness,
sanity and civli liberties, even faster. Many Americans believe “Saddam
bin Milosevic” is coming to get them in their beds, that iraq was
responsible for 911, that TV wrestling is reality , and that the economy
is fine, except for the economy. While they are distracted by
color-coded terror alerts - yellow and orange for common folk, mocha and
espresso for the  upscale  - their freedoms are being stolen by cowardly
thieves disguised as brave patriots.

But there is a growing global  movement to upsize democracy, evidenced
by millions the world over who  joined hundreds of thousands in the USA
to demonstrate against this  planned slaughter, euphemised as war. There
has never been such a massive outpouring for peace , however varied the
motivation of its supporters. There may even be a decent candidate or
two among the awful bunch of Democrats proposed for the next election.
The worst is far from over, but the best is yet to come. The world has
begun treating Bush and his minority America with the contempt it
deserves. Now, the majority Americans are beginning a move to take
democratic control of their nation. They - we - need to hurry.

Copyright (c) 2003 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.

             This text may be used and shared in accordance with the
             fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law, and it may be
           archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that
            the author is notified and no fee is charged for access.
           Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on
          other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the author

frank scott
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225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
(415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791