
it's a well known fact that milk sugar (lactose) is not simply any sugar.
Actually it causes baby's gut to become leaky for some of the valuable milk
constituents that are provided by mother's glands and that should not be
digested (hormones like IGF1) or got lost (like the calcium from mummy's bones).

Pastoral tribes like the Samburu and the Masai know this well.
They never mix milk and meat.
This rule is the origin of the appropriate jewish kashrut.
It's not unlikely that our gut becomes leaky for many immunogenic food
constituents (e.g. Neu5Gc) if we drink not fermented milk or -even worse-
drink it together with meat.
But today, you can find milk sugar as an additive in many prepared meat

>"Of course, there are already existing recommendations that people should
>not consume too much food containing saturated fats, such as dairy products
>and red meats," Varki said in a statement.

Statements like these seem to be pretty outdated.
Not only is the theory of the beneficial vegetable fats
completely paradoxified by the facts, e.g. the masai,
the french, the israelis, in this order.
As it becomes clear that polyunsaturated fats are toxic
in higher amounts, they try to switch to the so called
'mediterranean diet' rich in monounsaturates as they are present in olive
oil, like it is grown and used in Israel,
a mediterranean country and world champion in the rate of heart disease.

There is considerable scientific evidence that at least the saturated
fatty acid stearic acid is sort of semi-essential for man.
I don't want to bore you. Literature or discussion on request.
