i will post the code and the error message below.
still confused about constructors.
please help me out.
i am getting confused, frustrated, and really fed up.
why it is not working.
Am i just a dummy?
please give me exact code examples.
how to fix this problem.
Cheers Marvin.

* Program: C++ Session 21 Exercise
* File Name: Paddock.cpp
*Description: Session 21 Exerciseto design a program for a farmer to water a area of his paddock
* Creator: Marvin Hunkin
*Date Created: Friday March 19 2004 3:35 pm
 * Version: 1.00

//iostream is needed for input and output

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

class Tanker
 float radius;
 float length;
 float fertaliserlevel;
 float fertaliser;
 float water;
 float size;
 float pi;
 float width;
 float hectre;
float area;

Tanker(float radius, float length,float fertaliserlevel);

void Title();
 float TotalVolume(float pi,  float radius, float length);
 float VolumeOccupiedSpace(float depth, float length);
 int Convert();
void PromptFertaliser();
void PromptHectre();
  float CalculateArea(float fertaliser, float water);
 void Result();
 void PromptLiquid();
};  //close Tanker class

              int main ()

      Tanker myTanker(r,l,f);

                                 getch ();
                return 0;
} //close main function

 void Tanker::Title()
cout <<"\nWelcome To Marvins Paddock ";
cout << "\nThis program asks the user to enter a number for the amount of liquid to be entered into the tanker. ";
cout << "\nFrom the keyboard. ";
cout << "\nAnother pprompt appears on screen, asking the user to enter a number , for the amount of area they wish to use for the paddock. ";
cout << "\nFrom the keyboard. ";
cout << "\nAnother prompt  appears on screen, asking the user to enter the amount of liquid which they want to use for the tanker. " ;
cout << "\nFrom the keyboard. ";
cout << "\nthen the total fertaliser, total water, total volume and total area used for the paddock appears on screen. ";
} //close title function

 float Tanker::TotalVolume(float Pi,  float Radius, float Length  )
float answer;
  answer = Pi * Radius * Radius * Length;
  return answer;
} //close total Volume function

 float Tanker::VolumeOccupiedSpace(float Depth, float Length)
float depth;
    float depthDivideRadius = ((radius - depth) / radius);
                  float theta = 2*acos(depthDivideRadius);
                  float surfaceArea = (radius * radius) * (theta -
                  float segmentVolume = surfaceArea * length;
                  return segmentVolume;
                                        } // close  volumeOccupiedSpace function

 int Tanker::Convert()
 int answer=0;
 int hectre=10000;
 int millimetres=1000 ;
  answer=millimetres / 1000;
  answer=hectre / 10000;
         return answer;
} //close Convert function

void Tanker::PromptFertaliser()
 float EnterTank=0.0;

 cout << "Type a number, then press enter: "  << endl;
         cin >> EnterTank;

} //close promptFertaliser function

void Tanker::PromptHectre()
float EnterArea=0.0;
 cout << " Type a number, then press enter: " << endl;
  cin >> EnterArea;
              } // close promptHectre function

 float Tanker::CalculateArea(float Fertaliser, float Water)
 float answer;
    answer =size * fertaliser * water;
   return answer;
} //close calculateArea function

void Tanker::Result()
 cout << "Total Fertaliser Used: " << fertaliser * 0.75 << " Litres " << endl;
 cout << "Total Water Used: " << water * 0.25 << " Litres " << endl;
 cout << "Total Volume Used: " << pi * radius * radius * length << " Litres " << endl;
 cout << "Total Area Used: " << area *  width * length * hectre   << "Hectres " << endl;
                     } //close result function

void Tanker::PromptLiquid()
cout << "Enter  a number, then press enter: " << endl;
} //close PromptLiquid function

Tanker::Tanker(float r, float l, float f)
   radius = r;
 length = l;
 fertaliserlevel = f;
} //close tanker constructor

[C++ Error] Paddock.cpp(57): E2084 Parameter names are used only with a function body

[C++ Error] Paddock.cpp(59): E2139 Declaration missing ;

[C++ Error] Paddock.cpp(60): E2451 Undefined symbol 'myTanker'

ps: it is the constructor, which i have diagnosed, but don't know how to fix it. tried several things, but not liking it.
giving me a migrain.