We are pleased to offer FREE online access until January 31st 2005 to a recently published article from Social Studies of Science (click on the article below to view the free PDF)
Merton's Contribution to the Sociology of Science by Stephen Cole
This paper is reminiscence and a critique of Robert K. Merton's work in the sociology of science. The author got to know Merton very well as he served as his student, assistant, and colleague for 15 years from 1960. Merton's works which are most discussed are his doctoral dissertation on Puritanism and science, his paper on scientific norms, and his paper 'The Matthew Effect'. He is criticized for not generalizing far enough from his work on the Puritan thesis and for not paying close enough attention to the empirical data, which cast doubt on the validity of his theory of the Matthew Effect.
From Social Studies of Science, December 2004, Volume 34, No. 6  - http://sss.sagepub.com
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Professor Robert Maxwell Young, PhD
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