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On Tuesday, Feb 8, 2005, at 06:00 Asia/Tokyo, Automatic digest
processor wrote:

> Think back when running and playing as a child. There was quite often
> not a
> goal or a prize involved, but intense activity was still pursued
> simply for
> activity's sake. It was fun. Playing tag, for instance, might go on for
> extended periods of time, with no clear winner or loser - although
> there
> was always an understanding of which child was naturally better at it.
> But,
> being better was *not* the goal - having fun was.
Every weekend I play tag with my girls and their friends. It is great
exercise. We alternate me beingn it, and then all of the kids it,
chasing me. Try escaping 6 little girls while climbing a playground
jungle! It is fun and I end up exhausted for the rest of the day.

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