Thank you. I was not going to say anything else because of responses riddled
with the word you. I discipline myself to not dabble in beliefs and opinions
but to work with what I know. I speak using the word "I", what I know to be
true for me, and what I do, so on and so forth. I am quite often attacked
with YOU would do it to and then it is YOUR choice. Why find what I say I do
or I know so offensive?

I know NFL sells a lot of product. So much so that I will not shop from them
because their website has too much stuff to even go through. I did not say
NFL is more or less ruthless at wanting to get information across. I am not
offering information to people. I have by word of mouth become a person
others seek out and request information from.  I am not ruthlessly spreading
information. I am definitely not interested in selling information or
products that are natural.

I know that Arlin should explain how and why he is not his optimal weight
and he should be responsible to the consumers, who are looking to this large
man, who care whether they can attain a large physique on a raw vegan way of
eating.  I know my husband and I cannot eat a raw vegan or raw animal diet
and gain that kind of weight. I also know my husband is concerned about
looking like a skinny vegetarian (the cooked food kind he is familiar with).
I know he has a genuine interest in Arlin's experiences with raw vegan and
fitness. I know Arlin has not answered the question if he is still
practicing this way of eating and he stated he does not have time because of
his family and business. Again, his business is selling books and products
regarding raw veganism, as well as other products.

I care that food has become so commercialized. I care that so many around me
are ill due to the "food" they eat. I prefer to live simply, non-ruthlessly,
and share what I know to be true for me. I also am honest when I say that I
practice a raw diet and that we are not 100%. I own it and am responsible
for it and I am not even selling anything to anyone.

Walk in Harmony and Leave a Light Footprint,

Kendra Whitson

-----Original Message-----
From: Raw Food Diet Support List [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On
Behalf Of Ingrid Bauer/Jean-Claude Catry
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 8:22 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: The Garden Diet was Arlin's weight gain

* Your choice.
> Just because you choose not to charge and they do doesn't make them any
> less
> or more ruthless then you in your wanting to get information across.
> Simply or
> complicated who cares as long as correct information gets out there for
> others to know?

i care ! because i have seen , way too often, that  the best informations
that could really adress problems , trasnsform into a commercial venture
where the focus is on not sharing informations or point of views but selling
dreams ( it is hard to sell simple reality).
* ---SNIP---
i will welcome feed back about how this message get received .
