
I am a feature editor of an ongoing topic, the Teaching of Literature and Culture, for _Academic Exchange Quarterly_ an international journal
dedicated to the presentation of ideas research, methods, and pedagogical theories leading to effective instruction and learning regardless of level or subject.
I am looking for articles dealing with theoretical and practical methods of the teaching of literature and/or culture, how technology can be used for the teaching of literature/culture, student attitudes towards literature/culture, the role of literature in various disciplines, how culture can influence the learning process, the future of
literary/cultural studies, ethical issues concerning the teaching of literature/culture, and the assessment of literary/cultural learning.
The articles should be 1500-3000 words long. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of our journal, no single format or manuscript style is required. The articles may be submitted by MS Word or postal mail.
For submission information, go to the following URL:

Rebecca L. Chism, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Foreign Language Pedagogy
Department of Modern and Classical Language Studies
109 Satterfield Hall
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242