aloha, listmembers!

since this is a relatively long post, i am providing a table 
of contents so that individuals can quickly find whatever 
information is most pertinent to them.  i also, strongly 
encourage you to save this emessage for future reference, as 
the version of LISTSERV that has been running BLIND-DEV for 
the past 7 years was 1.8d, while that which will be running 
the list at its new home, is 14.4, not only have some of the 
commands changed, but several list functions have been added.

to use the following Table of Contents to find specific 
sections of this document, copy and paste the entire 
line containing the title of the section in which you 
are interested

Table of Contents:


As many, if not most, of you know, effective today, 1 
February 2006, the MAELSTROM server at Saint John's 
University, which has hosted BLIND-DEV since its 
inception in January 1999, shut down, leaving the 
lists it hosted homeless.

As a result, BLIND-DEV has found a new host -- ICORS, The 
"Information Center for Online Resources and Services" -- a 
non-profit organization formed by several listowners whose 
lists were originally hosted at the MAELSTROM server at 
Saint John's.  As you may have already noticed, ICORS has 
been kind enough to allow BLIND-DEV to migrate to its mail 
server, the domain of which is:


which makes the new eddress for posting to the list:

[log in to unmask]

Your subscription has automatically been moved for you from 
the MAELSTROM to the ICORS subscription list. If you filter 
your list mail, however, you may need to adjust your mail 
filters to properly filter messages posted to BLIND-DEV at 
its new eddress:

[log in to unmask]

The archives of past posts to BLIND-DEV have also been moved 
to the ICORS server. Access the BLIND-DEV archives by using 
the following URI:

Note that, whereas the old archive was organized by week, 
BLIND-DEV will now be archived by month, which is intended 
to make it easier to follow related threads. It is also my 
hope, as listowner, that the migration of BLIND-DEV will 
re-invigorate activity on the list, which has trailed off to 
a trickle over the past 3 years.  Please let anyone who is 
directly involved in the development of software or hardware 
for the blind and visually impaired, as well as those with a 
vested interest and 2 cents' worth of practical advice to 
share about the development of such resources, that BLIND-DEV 
still exists, and seeks to engage developers of every stripe, 
from those who work for "mainstream" slash large-scale 
developers, as well as those who develop and maintain 
applications and devices intended for use by the blind and/or 
visually impaired on a smaller scale: from start-ups to 
individual programmers. Requests for review, announcements of 
new releases, calls for review of emerging standards, and the 
like are strongly encouraged. As with ALL lists, however, 
crass commercialism is discouraged -- BLIND-DEV remains 
dedicated to its mission: to serve as a technologically 
oriented list, whose dialog is dedicated towards results 
rather than rhetoric.

Just as you once did at MAELSTROM, you will have to first 
establish an online identity at LISTSERV.ICORS.ORG in order to 
take full advantage of the web interface functionality built 
into the list archive.  You can do this by going either to 
ICORS' LISTSERV introductory page (which is very similar in 
look, sound, and feel to the top-level page at the now-defunt 
MAELSTROM archives)

or to ICORS' List Archive interface directly, using the following

As listowner, i would like to not only thank ICORS for hosting 
BLIND-DEV, but for making a genuine and open-ended commitment to 
ensuring the accessibility of the ICORS web interface.  Your 
comments, suggestions, and/or criticism, as always, are welcomed 
by the listowner, who can now be reached at the following eddress:

[log in to unmask]

Note that, in order to cut down on the incredible amount of 
spam sent to listowner eddresses, not to mention the number of 
bots and hijacked machines that attempt to subscribe to lists such 
as BLIND-DEV, LISTSERV automatically sends you a confirmation 
emessage whenever you email a list eddress (that is, any ICORS 
address that contains the list's name, BLIND-DEV).  if your email 
client supports hyperlinks, you can confirm your request or query 
using the link supplied by the automatically generated confirmation 
message.  if your email client does not support hyperlinks or you 
prefer not to use the web interface, you can simply reply to the 
confirmation message with the single word command:


and your request, query, or subscription change will be 
approved and processed.


From its inception, the purpose of BLIND-DEV has been to serve 
as a catalyst which will both spur and speed the development of 
software which will enable blind and visually impaired users to 
use emerging technologies, platforms, operating systems, and 
applications AS they are developed, so that access is built-in, 
rather than retrofitted.  BLIND-DEV, therefore, is a conduit 
through which software developers and users -- whatever their 
area of interest, level of expertise, operating system and/or 
hardware platform of choice -- are able to engage in dialogue, 
to brainstorm, and to educate one another.  None of this, 
however, is intended to discourage the those who feel more 
comfortable in the role of "list lurkers" (also known as 
"interested parties" or "actual users of the technology 
being discussed") from not merely monitoring the list's 
technological discussions, but to provide them with a forum 
through which they can make their concerns and needs known 
to those engaged in development as they deem necessary.

BLIND-DEV, therefore, is intended to serve not only as a 
means of exchanging ideas between those engaged in actual 
technological development, but as a testing and proving 
ground for their theories, blueprints, plans, objectives, 
and implementations, whilst also providing a reality check 
for those thus engaged by through the contributions of those 
who will actually use the software and hardware being 


The new eddress for the LISTSERV software that controls the 
list and allows you, as an individual subscriber, to change 
your subscription options, is:

[log in to unmask]

So, for example, if you wanted to obtain a list of your 
subscription options, you would type the command:


in the BODY of an emessage, and send it to:

[log in to unmask]

Likewise, you can obtain the latest LISTSERV Help document 
-- and I encourage all subscribers to do so, as the version 
of the LISTSERV software used at ICORS is far more current 
(and flexible) than that used at MAELSTROM -- by typing the 


in the BODY of an emessage and sending it to the new LISTSERV

[log in to unmask]

There are many more commands available to you as a subscriber; 
send the command:


to: [log in to unmask]

for a comprehensive reference card for LISTSERV version 14.4, 
or for a list of documentation files available from ICORS' 
LISTSERV, type the command:


in the BODY of an emessage and send it to: 

[log in to unmask]

This, the generic list eddress, is the eddress you can use 
to change subscription options, such as setting your account 
to NOMAIL, should you want to suspend receipt of posts to 
BLIND-DEV, but don't want to unsubscribe.

Joining and leaving the list has changed only slightly; 
namely the eddress to which the pertinent command is sent. 
To subscribe or unsubscribe from BLIND-DEV, send the 




in the BODY of an emessage to the list management eddress:

[log in to unmask]

Questions, comments, concerns, complaints, and other 
administrivia should be addressed directly to the listowner's 
new eddress:

[log in to unmask]

Note that, in order to cut down on the incredible amount of 
spam sent to listowner eddresses, not to mention the number of 
bots and hijacked machines that attempt to subscribe to lists such 
as BLIND-DEV, LISTSERV automatically sends you a confirmation 
emessage whenever you email a list eddress (that is, any ICORS 
address that contains the list's name, BLIND-DEV).  if your email 
client supports hyperlinks, you can confirm your request or query 
using the link supplied by the automatically generated confirmation 
message.  if your email client does not support hyperlinks or you 
prefer not to use the web interface, you can simply reply to the 
confirmation message with the single word command:


and your request, query, or subscription change will be 
approved and processed.

If you prefer, you can manage your subscription through 
ICORS' LISTSERV web interface -- where you can also browse all 
of the available LISTSERV manuals -- which is located at:

thank you for your past participation in BLIND-DEV, and 
welcome to a new era in the list's life.

gregory j. rosmaita, listowner, [log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
Eggheads of the world unite -- you have nothing to lose but your yolks!
                                                  -- Adalai Stevenson
               Gregory J. Rosmaita, [log in to unmask]
     Camera Obscura:
   UBATS - United Advocates for Talking Signs:

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