Kathy Zdon wrote:
> My daughter had lots of tummy issues this year and in all of the 
> testing, we were told that she was lactose intolerant.  
First question is, who told you and on what basis?  I am finding a lot 
of doctors are simply ascribing symptoms to lactose intolerance without 
doing any testing at all. 

Are the symptoms "classic" LI symptoms?  You don't mention specifically 
what the symptoms are.

I agree with others - while there may be a lactose problem, it's also as 
likely to be some other constituent in the ice cream.  Flavorings, 
colorings, additives, cross-contamination w/ nuts or other allergens 
might all be suspected.

A careful diary of foods and their ingredients and her reactions to them 
over a few weeks is probably in order - from that, you might (or a 
doctor might) find a pattern that would help.

Good luck