I've been on 37.5 of Synthroid for a year now.  My TSH doubled recently and my endo put me on 50 of Synthroid. I had a cardiology appt two weeks later and my heart rate was between 119 and 130 range.

Hi Lee,
I had a similar problem. I was on 100 mcg of Synthroid for years when I began having heart palpitations and TSH dropped out of normal range to 0.15. My doctor lowered the dose to 75 mcg. This got rid of the palpitations, but now my TSH has been creeping up. TSH is still in the normal range (high normal), but I've not been feeling up to par.

Recently, the doctor decided to try increasing my dosage to 88 mcg one day a week only and remain on 75 mcg the remaining six days. I don't know how long it will take to notice any improvement, but at least I've not had any palpitations.  

If there is no dose between 37.5 and 50, maybe you could ask your doctor about similarly varying your dose. I was wondering if there are others who are on a variable schedule and what their experiences have been.

Good luck,

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