We want to be able to give double computer time to patrons with disabilities who need longer time. The authentication softwares we are familiar with (Telus and Envisionware) don't seem to be able to recognize different patron types...just different computer types, and we want to allow our patrons access to all library computers, mixed use or just AT. Does anyone have experience with this issue or possible solutions? Thanks in advance!
Lynne Cutler
Tuesday through Saturday
Librarian, African American Museum & Library at Oakland, 510-637-0203
659 14th Street, Oakland, CA 94612
ADA Coordinator for the Oakland Public Library, 510-238-4974 (V); 510-834-7446 (TTY)
--------------------------- Check out EASI New Synchronous Clinics: http://easi.cc/clinic.htm EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi Online courses and Clinics http://easi.cc/workshop.htm Check the EASI Library Web http://www.rit.edu/~easi/lib.htm >>> Error in line 8 of AXSLIB-L.MAILTPL: unknown formatting command <<< -> . . . . . . . . . <-