Love ya bro.

Thanx for taking such good care of the spirit of Christmas.

See you soon.

Rude E
Helping put the *Shine* on HP

On Dec 29, 2013, at 12:39 AM, michael wrote:

Not long /read at leisure 
from small town /deep woods mississippi  

The spirit of Christmas  
usually hits me when Im least aware 
so it was on the afternoon of Christmas eve when I was in a little town 
about an hour away ; My business was done and I had a little time 
so I went to see Tyrone ; or the way his friends perfer to call him.
...... TY rone 

I met Ty rone at church 
his church ; 
He was sexton and I was the stone mason
restoring his church .
Some days if the chores were done ;
  Ty rone and I would just sit 
and meditate in the Peace of the sanctuary.
Historic black churches have such a deep soul connection to mother africa
its really not all that hard to tap into it ....
.and go nto that beautiful inner silence 
of root beginings   

we bonded on these occasions
 and  my take on it is past lifes 
you know  the Sarcen and Scottish pirate ;
or something like that 
we talk and laugh alot and enjoy each others company 

In the course of our sitting 
 I found out that Ty rone ran a barber shop 
across the tracks in what some might call the hood .
a low cluster of cinder block buildings of business 
painted white and decorated in Christmas blinking lights all year long .

"Can I get a shave ?" i asked him after meditation one friday 
..."sure Ill shave you "

Getting a barber to professionally shave you with a straight razor
 in this day and age is a luxury , one will do it anymore 

To me Its one of the most relaxing things that  a man can have ;
( and I keep a fu man chu beard  so the barber must  be good
and Ty rone  is  good  

Christmas eve 
so I took a chance to see if I could catch him in  

Ty rone has this classic  old time shop ;
 a big solitary  ornate porcelain pump chair 
from the turn of the century
 with a cuspidor at its side ; 

He pumps you up in front  of a 
a large ornate oval mirror of equal vintage 
 in an gleaming ivory white frame.

Looking into the mirror  you can see behind him   a glass menagerie
 of edu  de cologne 
avec pomades  and various creams and  stink waters
 I hand never heard of   

The outside glass that spells "Ty rone " is in cursive 
was all steamed up 
so I couldn't"t see who all was in there .

The door opens with a sleigh bell that jingles 
and upon its sound 
 i was greeted by a gaggle of little girls and boys
 with smiles a mile wide 
getting cookies from a black Santa all dressed in red 
and having a time of it 

Childrens Christmas party 
and My heart melted when I saw their delight .
 Tyrone greeted me with a great big Christmas hug 
which put the men playing pool in the back room in ease 
as it did I and  
a great big man with a bull neck Ty rone  was working on

I understand ......Ty rone gets very few white visitors ;
and well people get nervous   

"I know you " the big man said ......and my mind raced for answers 
as he was covered by the white barbers apron
 fumbling with something underneath 

Ty rone ran a sports parlor in the back that took bets on the NFL
maybe this was the pit boss ...or the banker .
I had no  I O U s...besides I  no longer wagered  

His memory caught up with  him 
"You restored my church ""...said the big man and smiled a great big smile 
that put me at ease with what ever he was shuffling  with     

Ty rone had just finished him up and to my surprize 
when he  stood up was a 6'6" uniformed police officer  
that looked like a running back for the giants .
He took a second to put his glock away ;
 then spoke to me 
Great job and good  to see you ...Merry Christmas "

'merry Chritmas to you " I enjoined  ; the spirit was starting to enter
 only i just  didn't know it yet 

I took my place in the chair
 and went under the hot towel 
while Ty rone talked Tony Ramos chances in the  NFl and with Dallas .
There is always a banter of sports here ; young and old talking it up
this was hot topic and affecting the morning line  
By the time Ty rone started to put the hot shaving creme on me he was talking  
Alabama and Mississippi state;sugar bowl et all 
when just then  two more  toddlers came in overdressed in  snowsuits 
 followed by three black women  carolers from the neighborhood 
singing jingle bells racapella

Ok ....Its standing room only in here  now folks  
 Santa is working  the crowd  with his cokies 
as  Ty rone expertly sculpts and glides
 his mother of pearl straight razor across my skin and neck ;
He labors  in masterful Zen like  strokes as he dispatches the coarse hair 
from around  jaw 

Im going into the bliss of the experience 
; Ty rone is  talking sports and the merriment
 of the childrens  squeals is heart warming and melting 
In the back ground there is   the slap of pool balls;
 and the song of   jingle bells ; 
 Over  the delightful  din  I  turn to Ty rone  
and softly  announce from my dream 
  " I think its Here      
what's that mr.Mike ?".....says ty rone wiping the razor
 on the face towel next to my head  
"Christmas"  Ty rone ...I think its finally  here ..
"Sure is Mr Mike "........ sure is   "
,,, ......................Bon noel from Mississippi/////Michael   

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