Nice article.   Inspiring photos.   The reminder of the concepts makes me want to go out a do good work and live a decent life (perhaps with a beer and a friend on the balcony)!

The concept of healthy living reminds me of the great promoters of such during the 1800s.   A philosophical inspiration for John Harvey Kellogg, my favourite was Sylvester Graham.  In a tiny book, "Treatise on Bread, and Bread Making" by Sylvester Graham in 1837, Graham pulls it all together as a good US citizen.   Concerned about the state of the Nation, he observed that a healthy democracy requires a healthy populace with healthy minds in order to make healthy decisions.  He declared that a healthy mind is the result of a healthy body, a healthy body is based on a healthy colon, and a healthy colon is based on fibre in the diet.   So, Graham proposed adding 10% extra bran to the bread flour of the Nation so that the people would have healthy colons, and therefore healthy bodies supporting healthy minds and therefore healthy decision making, and we all would enjoy a healthy democracy.

Perhaps all the current problems of society are the result of everyone not eating enough S'mores with their Graham Cracker base.

Like triple hung windows, s'mores always are best in multiples.

Many thanks for the article,
CP in BC
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: [log in to unmask] 
  To: [log in to unmask] 
  Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 11:26 AM
  Subject: [BP] window costs ....

  not sure if i circulated this, but thank you to all for your help.

  if you want close in photos of the windows, go to the Streetscapes facebook page.


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