Im with ken .
My favorite all time cornice is the flat iron building .
Its so large ( 13 ft?) we had to have a special hook bracket go over the top 
andcome back in to hang the spyder rig on it 
to get to the face of the building
 Because of the buildings  flat iron shape ;
the cornice is continious;back to front and side to side  
and you can stad close to it in a rain and not get Wet 
(or not as wet) as say if you were standing in the street. .
It truly answers all my questions about the cornice .
 Its generous and handsome to look at ;
Iit  serves the the community and public passeby with its  protection and beauty .; my only withold is
 if you need a big office ;
 look elsewhere .... .......xoxo py     .


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