NOTE: The first half of this post is more background info which might be helpful in diagnostics. Actually problem is below the line of asterisks (*).

With apologies if my information is  little sketchy.

I can't get flash to work in Firefox. I don't remember exact versions but this computer has something like version 18.0. The Flash site says so. Under which it says the latest version is 17.8. Or something like that. Exact versions are not important but it seems odd that the Flash site is detecting a version later than what it says is the latest version. I think I managed to get the "old" version removed from the system, and am having trouble re-installing. But that is not the issue. I am just sharing that information because I know some things can affect other things and I thought you should know I have been mucking with these things trying to get Flash to work.

Oh, and this is a Windows 8 machine. Wow, it sucks. I knew where a lot of stuff was in previous versions. But it seems Microsoft has gone out of their way to hide things. But I digress. Again.

Also, can't open Word or Excel. Get the message :
>Something went wrong
>We couldn't start you program. Please try starting it again.
>If it won't start, try repairing Office from "Programs and Features" in the control panel.
But that is also not the immediate issue. Just thought you needed to know.


Now to the issue at hand. It seems that every time I try to open a new program, it is asking for permission to make changes to the computer. Not sure if this is just something new with Windows 8 or it has something to do with Norton. Sort of like the annoying popups from firewalls, depending on settings. Too many warnings means you ignore all of the warnings. But, for safety's safe, I thought I would try to run Malwarebytes. And I got yet another warning:

User Account Control
Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer.
Program name: Malwarebytes . . .
Verified Publisher: Malwarebytes . . .
File Origin: Hard drive on this computer
Program Location: "C:\program files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbam (or something like that).exe

Then I clicked for more info and got "Certificate valid from 5/23/2011 to 6/24/2013."

So, I am at a loss here. Will be restarting the computer in the hopes the Office non-start issue will resolve itself. But the constant warnings about programs trying to make changes to the computer are troubling. Is this an issue?

Bruce Lund

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