EASI Webinar Archive: Accessible, Wearable Computing
EASI has an archive of 3 plus years of Webinar archives. These are normally reserved for EASI Annual Members, but the EASI homepage provides a rotating example from this archive. Currently you can view the archive of last mont's Webinar on accessible Wearable computing which demonstrates devices such as:
•	glasses which can identify obstacles
•	smart watches which can display incoming text messages, monitor exercise, blood pressure, etc.
•	various prosthetics enhanced by micro processors
EASI Webinar Archive: Accessible, Wearable Computing
EASI has an archive of 3 plus years of Webinar archives. These are normally reserved for EASI Annual Members, but the EASI homepage provides a rotating example from this archive. Currently you can view the archive of last mont's Webinar on accessible Wearable computing which demonstrates devices such as:
•	glasses which can identify obstacles
•	smart watches which can display incoming text messages, monitor exercise, blood pressure,etc.
•	various prosthetics enhanced by micro processors
•	a vibrating shoe which compensates for the lack of feeling in a foot
•	even the already common pacemaker

Watch the EASI homepage to follow this rotating Webinar archive feature:

While you are on the homepage, check out the Train the Trainer online course which is the August EASI onlline course -- part of the Certificate in Accessible Information Technology

You follow EASI Webinars. Consider becoming an EASI Annual Webinar Member. Membership provides free access to all of the fee-based Webinars and to 3 years of Webinar archives. It also provides a 20% discount on EASI month-long courses.
Read about membership: http://easi.cc/sub.htm

Check out EASI New Synchronous Clinics:
EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi
Online courses  and Clinics http://easi.cc/workshop.htm
Check the EASI Library Web http://www.rit.edu/~easi/lib.htm

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