Are you one of the predicted 50% of US healthcare providers whose 
paychecks will be interrupted after October 2015 because you made the
wrong assumptions about the ICD-10 transition? There's much more to
the rapidly approaching and mandated changes than just changing a few
billing codes. 

A few of the often poorly understood nuances of the ICD-10 transition
  - Why an "unspecified" diagnosis may be rejected and thereby lead to
    reimbursement delays 
  - If you are using an Electronic Health Record (EHR) vendor, how
    they may leave you at financial risk by simply offering a
    "crosswalk" for ICD-10
  - Which other associated ICD-10 changes are mandated by federal law,
    but rarely discussed

The TeleMental Health Institute is proud to bring you Lisette Wright,
MA, LP, one of the country's leading authorities on the ICD-10 for
behavioral health. She's developed a series of three FREE ICD-10
Mini-Training Video Series to help you understand the basics of the
ICD-10 transition​. Just sit back and enjoy her eye-opening, actionable
training from your computer or mobile device -- without leaving your
home, office or caseload. Get a bird's eye view of what's going on,
what you'll need, and how to get ready for the most significant update
in healthcare billing ever to take place in the US.

When you register below, three separate FREE ICD-10 Mini-Training
Videos will be delivered to your desktop or mobile device over the
next few weeks. Just visit this webpage and follow the instructions to
get immediate access to the first of your FREE ICD-10 Mini-Training
Video Series:

It will cost you nothing to watch these quick videos, and we assure
you -- you'll be glad you did! Again, go to this page: to register for all three, FREE ICD-10
Mini-Training Video Series.


Marlene M. Maheu, Ph.D.
Executive Director, TeleMental Health Institute, Inc.
Professional Training, Consultation & Staffing
Offering CE & CME Hours  T. 619.928.2627  F. 480.393.5570

P.S. Feel free to pass this invitation to your friends and colleagues.
They will thank you as they benefit from Lisette's up-to-date,
information-packed videos:

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