Amen, thank You Jesus, and thank you guys for praying with me.

Sharon H.

> On Jul 24, 2018, at 12:17 PM, Karen Carter <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Thank you Jesus for being with Sharon and her family during this time. Thank you for your love grace and mercy. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. 
> And remember Jesus loves you. 
>> On Jul 24, 2018, at 14:00, Sharon Hooley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Well, so far I haven't heard much, but he is supposed to move to the Boise care facility tomorrow.  My sister Judy said a head nurse s^d the staff wasn't working up to standard care, and that she would order a pressure preventive matress.  You know, I wish every patient could have a caring family keeping medical personel on their toes while sitting with him or her.
>> Sharon H.