Yeah, I understand something so I guess is relatedto knowing too much.  I learned it when I went to college attending psychology classes.  You look at some condition and symptoms and think, maybe that's what I have.


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> On May 23, 2020, at 12:21 PM, Sandy Scovell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> God has been very faithful. I appreciate him so much. I of course miss my husband very much not being able to discuss my thoughts about these things. Also, trauma medicine used to be one of my specialties, so sometimes I wonder if I just don’t know too much.
> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On May 23, 2020, at 5:20 AM, john schwery <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Sandy, wow, talk about somebody being broken!  I trust he will be broken in spirit.
>>> At 01:19 AM 5/23/2020, Sandy Scovell, wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I wanted to give you a little update.
>>> This last month has been probably one of the most difficult times I have had.  I kind of feel like a wilted rose.
>>> Until this last week, my grandson, Everett, has had many setbacks and difficult times.  Things ar looking up now.  I would like to have all of you please pray that God gets a hold of him.
>>> He has been in trauma intensive care until today, at which time he was moved to the step-down unit.  This will be a big step for him I believe.
>>> They did say he had a concussion at the scene of the accident, along with a fractured sternum, multiple fractured ribs, foot fracture which I am not recalling which bones at tis point.  Also a fracture of his wrist.  I know it has been difficult partially because of my being 70 and the staff not wanting me to go to the hospital where they are concerned about my getting COVID.  I do nog think he will be needing any more surgeries now, which is good, because he has had several while in the hospital.
>>> Also, certainly not as important as my grandson, is that one of my dogs jumped off the recliner and received a very severe spinal injury.  He is thankfully much better now.
>>> That’s all for now.
>>> Sandy Scovell
>>               John