This how ChatGPT translates my previous message to English:
Yesterday and today I conducted some extensive experiments with the new chatbot "ChatGPT". The results are really impressive, although I also managed to reach the limits of the tool's capabilities. For example, ChatGPT claimed that Béla Bartók wrote eight string quartets. In reality there are six. ChatGPT had confused some of Beethoven's. When I returned to the topic today, it said: four string quartets by Bartók. And it still confused those of Beethoven and those of Bartók. Objectively incorrect information, even after subtle corrections.

We have also tried to guess the three real names hidden in the comic name Gran Antallamolinos. Without success. Too difficult.

In the meantime, this chatbot understands and writes Dutch, German, Portuguese, Modern Greek (for which I have to rely on Google Translate), and also ... Interlingua!

It understands Interlingua, writes almost perfect Interlingua, and can translate from and to Interlingua! Very useful and interesting!

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