Hi all,


Has anyone had a good experience interacting with a computer company? I have
an HP computer running Windows 11 and it has been a complete disappointment.
Yesterday I saw a message on the desktop notifying me about the product
status. I suspected it was a link to the HP website but couldn't access it
using the keyboard. JAWS indicated that I was in applications mode when I
pressed enter on the icon. I contacted Aira and they helped me use the
website so I could find out that the warranty had expired. They helped me
fill out an order for a new warranty. I was confused by some of the warranty
terms. I decided to cancel the order. As a result, I wasted 24 of my Aira
minutes. I could call HP customer service but was so disgusted by the
inaccessibility of their website that I didn't think it was worth the
hassle. Computers become obsolete and I'm inclined to use it until it
breaks. Are there any computer companies with accessible websites and a good
track record for good accessibility support?




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