MS Word 2016, Windows 10, using NVDA.

A couple of weeks ago I posed this question and got an answer but for the life of me I can’t find the solution I was given!

I’m working on a new novel featuring my heroine, Guinevere Galahad, and am having the same issue with the computer not saving my changes.

I correct and edit, revise, add new words and scenes, and when I get back to it, even just a few minutes later…no matter what they were, words run together, the new lines, words, and scenes have disappeared. The computer isn’t saving the new document that I just edited, it wouldn’t be so bad, but the errors are all the same and are in the same spots!

Any suggestions for fixing this? It’s maddening when trying to write and you get this crap.

Thanks everybody and have a safe and happy 4th!


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