Hi Danny,
Interesting puzzle. Are the scans PDF's?  If so, could you use a service
that combines multiple PDF pages into one document? I don't know a specific
piece of software that does this, but I'm sure one exists. Then you could
perform OCR on the document using either JAWS's OCR feature or another OCR
engine. That would allow you to use any number of speech engines to read
them out loud. I haven't used it in ages, but Freedom Scientific's OpenBook
program used to have a Save Audio as MP3 feature. So if you have OpenBook,
you could perform OCR on the document and then save the audio as MP3, using
a voice of your choosing. I can't remember whether OpenBook offers a wide
variety of speech synthesizers or not. The default Eloquence is excellent as
screen reading software but probably isn't what I'd use to make an audiobook
that you plan to make available to others. Hope this helps a bit.

-----Original Message-----
From: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
<[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of danny burstein
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2024 1:02 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [VICUG-L] Any suggestions for a service that can take lots of book
pages and..

... and turn them into audio?

I have numerous books which I've already scanned into individual
pages/images.  I'm looking for a service that would let me upload, say, 200
pages and then vocalize them into a downloadable audio file.

Hiring someone to read them out loud is unfortunately way out of our budget.


(I'm familiar with Vicug, even though I've never posted here, as I worked at
an Internet Service Provider and helped our visually impared customers.
Thanks again)

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