I see what you are saying. First I am not for Trump. But my hope is that him being so full of bluster and tactical hyperbole (also what people call his lies) that if elected he would govern with less actual destruction. NATO is stronger now partly because he threatened it before ( and partly because NATO countries sense the need to get ready to fight Russia). I also trust that more mentally healthy people will utilize the checks in our constitution to block his more extreme efforts. People worry that there are no checks on him now because he cannot run for another term. That works both ways. If elected, at some point the people who fear him will not have to fear him because he won’t be around in another term. 
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> On Feb 11, 2024, at 2:43 PM, Leanne O'Shea <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Whether they have same values or not is irrelevant if they vote him into power…
> The headlines from this today's speech demonstrate pretty his authoritarian/insular intentions pretty clearly… encouraging Putin to bomb Nato allies, mass deportation of migrants, oppression of trans people, funding cuts for any schools teaching about racism.
> If it was scary last time, this time around the consequences of a Trump presidency are likely to be catastrophic.
> Leanne
>> On 12 Feb 2024, at 8:35 am, Philip Brownell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> That is exactly what I meant. You don’t understand what the church is as an organism. You described various forms of organization, even as more political than spiritual. They carry the term “church” but it’s not what I would call church.
>> Just like you don’t understand that people come to Trump, and signal their support by wearing a red hat, for various reasons. They don’t all have the exact same values, not all salivating at his whistles. Not all the same. Not any more than people on the left are all the same. Like not all gay people are the same. Not all black people the same. Not all Asians same.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Feb 11, 2024, at 1:35 PM, Dan Bloom <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> The church?  The world can’t understand it? It is a political behemoth wearing a coat of many colors. it is not A church, but the name of  political power in the name of god.  The church used such political power for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years.  May I suggest the 30 Years War? The Counter Reformation?  May I suggest the battle between the church and the princes in the late Middle Ages?  And the conquest of Christian Europe by Islam?  These examples are just off the top of my head.
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> Gstalt-L is an independent eCommunity of people interested in gestalt therapy theory and its various applications. Its public archives can be found at http://listserv.icors.org/scripts/wa-ICORS.exe?A0=GSTALT-L, and subscriptions can be managed by clicking on "Subscriber's Corner," which is found at the archives.

Gstalt-L is an independent eCommunity of people interested in gestalt therapy theory and its various applications. Its public archives can be found at http://listserv.icors.org/scripts/wa-ICORS.exe?A0=GSTALT-L, and subscriptions can be managed by clicking on "Subscriber's Corner," which is found at the archives.