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INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua
Tue, 3 Feb 2004 14:51:49 -0800
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Unes vinti-cinque prestres catholic ha dicite que
illes rompera lor silentio sur le agenda antigay
del Vaticano.

In un littera publicate le 19 decembre 2003, illes
describeva le position de lor ecclesia concernente
le maritage homosexual como alique "vil e toxic".

Le prestres diceva que le position del vaticano
"cresce de un maniera violente e abusive" e admone
que un position tan archaic provoca (sta a provocar)
le irreleventia del ecclesia catholic pro le mundo

"Como prestres e pastores," illes scribeva in lor
littera "nos nos expressa pro affirmar que nostre
fratres e sorores gay e lesbic es omnes membros
del familia de Deo e que illes merita le dignitate
e le respecto que on debe a omne esser human."

(Texto adaptate de un articulo publicate in
"Frontiers", Los Angeles, California, 30 januario


Ben que iste littera es benvenite, le homophobia
del ecclesia catholic roman es tan ultragiose como
le antisemitismo del nazis.  Le homosexualitate
occurre spontaneemente e naturalmente inter diverse
animales, ma solmente le racia human opprime su
membros gay--multe vices con le morte.

Le major parte de gente gay american qui ha le
del instruction ultra un certe nivello crede que
le ecclesia--post le inquisition, lor participation
guerras religiose trans le historia europee, e le
scandalos de prestres pedophilic catholic in le
Statos Unite--non ha ulle autoritate moral.  E
recognoscente le vergonia de su historia, le ecclesia
debe mantener un silentio absolute sur le moralitate.


About twenty-five catholic priests have said that
they will break their silence about the antigay
agenda of the Vatican.

In a letter published December 19, 2003, they
the position the position of their church on gay
marriage as something "vile and toxic."

The priests said that the position of the vatican
"is growing in a violent and abusive way" and warn
that such an archaic position is provoking the
alienation of the catholic church from the modern

"As priests and pastors," they wrote in their letter,
"we are speaking out to affirm that our gay and
lesbian brothers and sisters are all members of
God's family and that they deserve the dignity and
respect due any human being."

(Text adapted from an article in "Frontiers", Los
Angeles, California, 30 januario 2004)


Though this letter is welcome, the homophobia of
the Roman catholic church is as outrageous as the
antisemitism of the Nazis.  Homosexuality occurs
spontaneously and naturally among a variety of
but only the human race oppresses its gay
members--often by killing them.

Most gay Americans who have had the advantage of
education beyond a certain level are convinced that
the church--after the Inquisition, church
in the religious warfare throughout European history,
and the scandals of pedophilic catholic priests
in the United States--has absolutely no moral
authority at all.  And in view of the shamefulness its
history, the church has got a lot of God-damned
fucking nerve saying ANYthing about morality.

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