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saiks samateh <[log in to unmask]>
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 11:44:52 PST
text/plain (149 lines)
Dear Madi,

I do enjoy very much the pieces you have been forwarding to us,especially this
one on "thoughts".As bro Bass would say keep on the work down there.

For Freedom


Vanguard: Leisure & Life

Are thoughts really free?

Thoughts are usually anchored in the World of Fine Cross Matter which we do
not see, hear or touch with our physical senses while the Medium Cross
Matter is where our spoken words are anchored. Our earth however, belongs to
the Densest or Coarsest Cross Matter that we see, hear and touch. So, are
other bodies that we can also see including the sun, the moon, the stars and
other heavenly bodies that cannot be visible unless viewed with the most
advanced instruments available or can be discovered in the future. Thus,
since thoughts are not perceptible with our physical senses, we may be
tempted to conclude that we are free to play with them, as we like without
responsibility. But we are wrong because thoughts are a form of human
activity and must be accounted for and redeemed before we are free to
commence our ascent after physical death.

These three forms of activity - thoughts, words and deeds are interconnected
in their effects. Thoughts, being the finest of the three can, in its
automatic working, gain connection with a homogenous anchorage of word forms
in the Medium Cross Matter through which a more powerful form is produced.
This in turn will subsequently condense to manifest in visible deeds of some
human beings in the coarsest World of Matter. Thus, all activities or deeds
that arise in the physical world have far-reaching contributions and infact
originate from thought forms. Through pressure and condensation, our
thoughts produce the quality of a magnetic activity and are able to attract
other similar thought forms. This makes them to become stronger and finally
emerge beyond us in firmly united power-waves capable of exerting an
influence upon our wider environment in the manner described above. In other
words, these thoughts, having been strengthened through mutual power of
attraction, build for themselves powerful force fields or power centres of
homogenous propensities, each of which is connected, to several individuals
living in various parts of the world whose thoughts make up the centres.
These power centres, mostly, embody propensities for example, of hate, envy,
jealousy, lustfulness, avarice, e.t.c, which are usually thickly populated
in toady's world.

Every thought that is generated immediately takes on form in the beyond,
which embodies and expresses the essential meaning of the thought. The
Living Creative Power, which flows through man, moulds his thought-forms and
gives expression to the will of the thought. It is indeed an act of mercy
that our physical eyes are not able to behold the many base propensities of
grotesque and reprehensible forms embodied in the power centres populating
the world of thought-forms which are firmly connected with us. Yet, these
are realities that shape our ethereal environment, which can contribute much
to uplift or debase us because its effects reach into our physical world and
far down into the realm of darkness. When we consider the events that take
place at home and abroad today, we shall be left in no doubt as to the
nature of thought-forms that brought them about. And yet, through purer
thoughts, we could have build a powerful armour around us to frustrate the
penetration of darkness, so, that all these bombings, killings, the so
called ethnic cleansing and destruction would not have taken place. So much
talks and boasting that have characterised these crises and orchestrated by
the media are nothing but the precipitation of thought-forms that we allowed
to take effect. Purer thought-forms would have produced different result had
we exerted ourselves to create them and save ourselves from self-destructive
tendencies of today.

Now, an individual, a group of people or a whole nation so connected to one
of such power centres may receive retroactively so much intensification of
the embodied propensity that they find themselves committing untold
devastation in their environment. All those who have contributed to this
power centre through their thoughts will share in the reciprocal effect of
such devastation in accordance with the Eternal laws of God irrespective of
whether they live in different parts of the world. Thus, through ignorance,
we participate in many deeds of other people whose connecting threads to the
relevant power centre have been so intensified as to bring them to commit
such awful deeds. Therefore we are not after all free from responsibilities
for our thoughts. It is for these reasons that we must exert ourselves to
produce good thoughts always rather than generate thought forms which can
float about and may subsequently get attracted to a power-centre that will
tie us down to painful experiences.

For this reason, we have been admonished to keep the heart of our thoughts
pure, by so doing; we shall bring peace and be happy. This makes sense,
because pure and joyful thinking can only connect us with a more luminous
power centre through which we can contribute more powerfully to the peace
and happiness of humanity and as such share in the good works that develop
through strangers from other regions of the earth.

Thoughts which lack the genuineness of free intuitive volition are usually
intellectually willed and as such are pressed into definite channels that
are essentially egoistic and self-serving, be it of avid desire for power or
other selfish motivation. These are not the work of the spirit and do not
arise out of pure intuitive volition, which is boundless and able to well up
in us.

Thus, the right way of thinking must arise out of an all-embracing urge for
what is good and noble which envelops our thoughts and permeates them even
before they take on form. What is then produced can safely be left to our
intellect to apply in the physical world as pure thoughts that can bring us
peace and joy. In this way, we shall become worthy helpers in Creation on
whom the high blessings meant for the human spirits will be bestowed so that
these blessings may be transformed and passed on to those creatures who are
only able to absorb them through such transformation by man. This is part of
the joyful activities of a human spirit who has not soiled himself in the
denseness of the material world.

As of now, far fewer centres for instance of love and purity are generated
in the world of thought forms and as such, mankind will continue to be hit
by acts of fate that remain difficult to fathom. But we pray for the
glorious dawn when we shall resolve to give purity to our thoughts always
and generate more luminous centres that can strengthen our striving towards
what is good and noble and at the same time work on darker minds with
gradually purifying effects. We have been endowed with access to the Living
Power of the Most High with which we shape our destinies. It lies in our
hands to use it aright to experience peace and joy or to continue to live in
hell. Our thoughts are the powerful messengers we send to create the type of
environment we must experience. The choice is ours.


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