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Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 10:54:05 -0400
text/plain (179 lines)
Gassama, you are just one pathetic soul. Look at you again. Here we have you
pledging to be apolitical, yet you used this totally unrelated posting to
propagate your LIES (again) on G_L. What does the killing of our children
have to do with what I said about Yaya stealing money from us and receiving
bribes from Taiwan? See how sick you are? You are the one that always run
away with your tail in between your legs when we talk about Yaya’s
corruption. Let us discuss that if you want. Let us also discuss the
massacre of our children in broad daylight by the government you unashamedly
support. In short, let us discuss about the HELL you live in. This is NOT
about politics. This is about people’s lives. When Yaya orders the massacre
of children in broad daylight, it is NOT political to condemn that. When
Yaya steals from ordinary Gambians and render them destitute, it is NOT
political to expose that. When you come here and LIE about roads that do NOT
exist in the country, it is NOT political to debunk you. Spare us from your
blatant hypocrisy by ‘pledging’ to not discuss APRC/AFPRC ‘exaggerations’
because you care about our children. We know that even if your own child was
slaughtered on that fateful day, you would NOT even protest. You are so
scared and so selfish, you do NOT even want to admit that our children were
killed in cold blood. All you try to do is blame other people for the
heinous acts of Yaya and his trigger-happy thugs.

Look at you shamelessly trying to deflect attention to ‘unscrupulous people’
that defrauded the families of the victims of the April Massacre. This just
goes to expose your hypocrisy and your misplaced priorities. Here you
overlook the people that slaughtered the children and instead focus on
people that are stealing from the victims. The ‘unscrupulous’ people as you
put it, should be condemned. But the worse condemnation should be reserved
for the people that necessitated the fund in the first place. I am sure
Barrow’s family would rather have Barrow alive than receive some donation
given to them as a result of Barrow’s murder. See how despicable you are?
You are too scared to blame Yaya and his thugs. But you would rather blame
some nameless person for stealing from the families. Yaya stole LIVES from
the families. That is more precious than a few thousand dalasis. You can
blame nameless people all you want. What I know is that G_L archives is
replete with evidence showing some selfless individuals that went out of
their way to raise money for the victims of the massacre. Those people did
not have to do what they did. I am confident that they did NOT steal the
money meant for the families. It is despicable for you to make such
inflammatory reports and not tell us who actually stole from the families.
What you did leaves some to think that everybody involved in raising funds
have something to explain since your report did NOT specifically name anyone
that defrauded the victims.

I wonder what good the location of your office near RVH Mortuary is doing to
the discourse. I also wonder what your acquaintance with the pathologist
adds to the discussion. You know when that would have been of some help?
When your government was lying about using rubber bullets. Did we hear you
say that you know the pathologist and he told you that life ammunition was
used on our children? You are just disgusting. Coming today telling us all
sorts of rubbish. We know exactly how you feel about the massacre of the
children. No amount of pretense from your side can bamboozle some of us. You
are in denial because you do not want to place blame where blame lies. Your
coming here to spin the heinous events of April 10 and 11, 2000 just goes to
expose you for the despicable vermin you are.

Like I told you, if you want, you can stop your LIES to commemorate the
massacre of our children. That is neither here nor there for me. Your LIES
on G_L does NOT bother me. As I promised you, each time you tell a lie here,
I will debunk it. I know you are morally bankrupt and it is a sheer waste of
time to appeal to your conscience to look at our slain children and quit
your sycophancy. So, pledge with others to stop your lying for a day or two.
I will always be where I was. If you stop for April 10 and 11 and come back
with more vicious lies on April 12, water would be settling where it always

I wonder what you are calling wild allegations against the AFPRC/APRC
regime. None of your lies have been vindicated. When you lied about the
roads, I exposed you. The bottom-line you CANNOT run away from is that
people are POORER under Yaya’s watch. You CANNOT run away from that. You
CANNOT run away from the plight of our farmers. You CANNOT run away from the
power black-outs and the shortages of running water. You CANNOT run away
from the classrooms without desks and chairs. You CANNOT run away from the
fact that thugs like Baabaa Jobe and Yaya have overnight enriched themselves
on the back of poor Gambians. Are these the wild allegations that recent
visitors to Gambia told you are untrue? Are you telling us that Dumo et al
have been freed? Are you also telling us that our children were not
slaughtered in broad daylight? Address specifics that ‘Opposition’ elements
have lied about. When I cornered you about roads (Westfield-MandinaBa) that
do NOT exist, I addressed specifics. I asked you a direct question about how
AFPRC/APRC policies helped you to build your own house. You NEVER responded.
Instead, you point at houses built by ‘Diasporans’ to exaggerate AFPRC/APRC

I am glad you said that you made 15 ‘wild and sweeping statements’ about
AFPRC/APRC ‘achievements’. You yourself recognize that those were
off-the-wall statements. Most on G_L also noticed that and that is why they
IGNORED you. Don’t think that people do not know that you are NOT with all
your faculties intact. We know that something is wrong with you. I wonder
who you expect to waste his/her time talking about things you yourself know
is stuff lunatics try to make up. If you come here and pretend that Gambia
is Singapore and Gambians are living large, there comes a time when people
IGNORE you because you are NOT making any sense. Do NOT mistake the snub for
‘tacit endorsement’. If you come here and tell us that you live in a mansion
back home and no one says anything, that doesn’t mean that people believe
you. Most likely, people are just saying that: ‘ignore Gassama. He must be
taking something that is bad for his brains.’

The way you tried to bring the Taiwan issue to this debate is just
mind-boggling to me. You had the opportunity several times to take me on
about what I wrote about Yaya stealing from us. You always run away. Why
didn’t you dispute what I said when I said it? Instead, you craftily hide
behind another posting to send these ridiculous arguments. I wonder what you
meant by me being an ‘arch enemy’ of Yaya. You are just a funny character.
You think by saying that, you will make people doubt what I said as lies
from Yaya’s enemies. Your childish gimmicks are always glaring to me. Your
problem is that what I said is NOT just talk from ‘enemies’. EVERYTHING I
say is corroborated with EVIDENCE. You know you tell a blatant LIE when you
say that what I sent here about the Taiwan scandal ‘exonerates’ Yaya. Maybe
it exonerates him in your sycophantic mind. As I told you, you are in
denial. You will take anything to convince yourself that Yaya is a saint. I
told you before to ask Bala Jahumpa about the Taiwan millions if you are
interested in getting to the bottom of the matter. I give you Bala Jahumpa’s
name because you said that you do not believe a word Ebou Jallow says.
Needless to say, you are NOT interested in truth. Now you are changing your
stance after I exposed you again. Previously, you had argued that it was
impossible for Taiwan to give us that amount of money in cash because no
responsible democracy would do that. Now you are saying that it is possible,
but you are right that there must be a paper-trail. You are just pathetic. I
am laughing my socks off writing to you. I just exposed your naivete by
showing that this type of bribery takes place. Before this article, you were
clueless. But trust Gassama to twist and turn to wriggle out of sorry
situations he puts himself in. I am glad that now we have settled the issue
about whether it is possible for the Taiwanese government to give out large
CASH payments to unscrupulous African Dictators. Now, as I understand you,
you are NOT disputing the payments. You are simply saying that there has to
be a paper-trail, as the article I forwarded showed.

What is perhaps more hilarious is the example you used to show that there
are inconsistencies in what some of us have been saying and what the article
said. For your information, we are NOT only talking about $30 million. We
are talking about more than that from Taiwan. We are talking about something
in the region of $45 million. Now, that blows your mind. Where have I or
anyone else ever said that the whole $45 million came from the ‘slush fund’
exposed in the article I sent here? You are the one making that ‘wild
allegation’ again in order to scavenge for ways to exonerate Yaya. You are
the only one arguing that the money that came to Gambia came from this fund.
I hope you realize that. Your argument that Gambia could not have received
more than South Africa is also without merit. I hope you read the article
carefully and understand it. There is a difference between bribes and
‘legitimate’ loans to a country. The former was the focus of the article.
The reason I sent the article was to show the APRC sycophants that after all
a ‘democracy like Taiwan’ pays people in CASH. Period. The millions Yaya
stole from us have been exposed elsewhere. I already gave you account
numbers in Swiss Banks. You also see the flamboyant lifestyle Yaya is
leading. You know about his plane and his wife’s shopping sprees. The
‘Taiwan Papers’ did NOT even mention him. He is a small fry in the larger
scheme of things. Remember that Gambia is no longer a member of the Security
Council. I hope you read between the lines here and realize why Taiwan
needed us. Now it might be more interesting to journalists to write a story
attempting to embarrass Nelson Mandela than to write about a small time
Dictator in a small African country that is no longer a member of the UN
Security Council. Again, I reiterate that no one (other than yourself) is
arguing that the money that was paid to Yaya PERSONALLY came from the fund
that was exposed in the article. I hope you get that in your skull.

>From: Jungle Sunrise <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: One Step Towards Justice!
>Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 20:44:45 +0000

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