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abdoukarim sanneh <[log in to unmask]>
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 31 Jul 2005 18:31:10 -0700
text/plain (180 lines)
Pa I have called me family and the people are are identitified as Brufut born Ghanian fishmen. I donot know how true is their remark? Why is their body found in the park and not on the beach and what when wrong? The independent medical report will give us the reason. Waiting from that from Investigative Gambian media.

Pa Nderry M'bai <[log in to unmask]> wrote:>From: panderry mbai

>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
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>Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 18:03:10 +0100 (BST)
>The people of Brufut are mourning the deaths of eight young men whose
>identities is yet to be established. The whole nation is shocked by this
>high profile murder. What's disturbing is that the police is yet to come
>up with any leads as to who must have been behind this heinous and
>dastardly act.
>There are different theories being advanced for the deaths of these young
>men. While the police Crime Coordinator was quoted by the local media as
>saying that the incident appeared to be a "foul play" many people in the
>streets of Banjul and its surrounding towns said the incident looked like
>an organised crime group operating in the tiny West African country.
>The fundamental questions that comes to mind is: What's the purpose of
>such killings? Who is/are to benefit from such ungodly act? Why choosing
>Brufut as the slaughtering ground?
>The saddest thing about these killings is that non of the murdered young
>men were found with an identification card, in short (ID). This
>confirmed well founded suspicion that the whole issue was well coordinated.
> Determining the IDS of these young murdered youths is a billion dollar
>question today in The Gambia. As usual, the police could not tell
>Gambians what led to the killing of the youths.
>Call it yet another act of genocide, you make no mistake. Call it
>terrorism, you make no mistake. We want to join the bereaved families in
>mourning the deaths. We hope and pray that the perpetrators of this
>dreadful act would be apprehended sooner or later. That justice is meted
>out to them without delay.
>While some government sympathisers want us to believe that those killed
>were non Gambians,observers wondered how come that such gruesome murder
>was carried out in Gambia's soil without the state knowing anything about
>it. Is the administration of president Yahya Jammeh telling us that our
>territorial security is so weak and fragile that outsiders can storm The
>Gambia and killed these youths in Brufut, without the NIA, police and the
>Gambia's GNA border guards knowing anything about it.? Is the government
>of the day telling us that there is another organised crime group in the
>country, beside the so called "Green Boys"? Worrying times in The Gambia.
> That people can be killed with impunity. That these killer(s) are still
>walking in the streets as free men.
>The Brufut mass murder resembles, the Rwandan "genocide", where civilians
>were summarily executed in grand style. Is the same scenario being
>practise in The Gambia? What we are saying is that the government should
>do justice to itself and end these madness taking place in The Gambia. If
>Yahya Jammeh feels that he cannot protect Gambians and non Gambians are
>like, he should vacate the presidency honourably.
>The security of the state is indeed threatened. These reports of
>mysterious murders, abductions, torture and unlawful arrests does not speak
>well of a regime which is notorious of being undemocratic.
>While the killings of these youths is attracting a lot of controversy in
>The Gambia, a top security chief in The Gambia said "the murder must
>have some political connotations in view of what he called the mounting
>political tension in the tiny West African country". The security chief
>says"there is reason for any action and i do believe that these killings
>are not isolated incidents. We must thoroughly looked at how the bodies
>were disposed in the outskirt of Brufut. We must start asking whether
>these youths were possessing information that may affect certain
>individuals in the country. Sometimes accomplices do resort to such
>barbaric acts. I'm not implying that this is the real cause, but it could
>be a possible factor for the killing of these youths.
>The security chief says such high profile murders are usually masterminded
>by individuals whose interests is affected in a particular revelation.
>"Such revelations may involve the issue of state security, business and
>economic issues. "said the security chief.
>There is also this talk of a possible ritual. Ritual for what? Ritual
>against who? Who with his right mind will buy that theory? If this ritual
>report is to go by then, then we are in serious, serious trouble.
>Agreed, it's too premature for one to rule out any possible causes of
>these killings. But it's our contention that we address the issues at hand
>and stop down playing the incident. This is a national issue and it's
>incumbent upon every Gambian to help expose these deadly members of
>The Yahya Jammeh government should stop perceiving the opposition as an
>enemy. The Gambia is today at war and it's greatest enemy is those hiding
>under the cover of darkness to perpetrate atrocities against our
>defenceless civilians.
>2004 is a difficult year for our impoverished nation. Gambians and
>friends of The Gambia will continue to remember loved ones who died in the
>hands of enemies of freedom. As we mourned the "Brufut eight", the
>mysterious death of journalist Deyda Hydara is still lingering in our
>minds.The government of Yahya Jammeh is still being hunted by the
>journalist's death, as there is no justifiable clues yet, regarding the
>murder of journalist Hydara.
>The Brufut tragedy is a wake up call for Gambians that their some
>"misguided" elements in our midst hell bent on disturbing our cherished
>peace. Gambians should remain to be "each brother's keeper" during this
>trying times our nation is experiencing. We should stand up to be counted
>and end these madness.
>The National Assembly which had reduced itself to be Yahya's propaganda
>machinery should consider passing a bill to empower citizens to be armed.
>Yes, our civilians should be armed, since the APRC government could not
>guaranty their security. When one talked about the issue of arming our
>citizens, some APRC big wigs will accuse you of trying to undermine state
>security. Does such a call tantamount to undermining state security.?
>Hell no. It's a patriotic call and should be viewed in a positive light.
>In the West, once you are 18 years of age and above you are qualified to
>own fire arms. Such arms are subject to state control and monitoring,
>which is very encouraging. This will help to control abuse and other
>criminal activities. It's time for Gambians, to start advocating for such
>a noble call to arm citizens.
>Having said this, we are urging the United Nations to send to a fact
>finding mission to The Gambia to investigate this genocide. Africa cannot
>afford to see another Rwandan genocide. We all know the end results of
>such atrocities. It's time to act now to avoid further secret killings.
>While the UN and other humanitarian agencies spent billions of dollars in
>rebuilding Rwanda, war ravaged Sudan, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ivory
>Coast, enemies of freedom are still at work causing mayhem on the Africa
>continent. The UN should embark on a conflict resolution in The Gambia now
> to end further genocide. Is this the beginning or the ending of a
>genocide in The Gambia? It's time to act to save The Gambia.
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