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panderry mbai <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 23 Dec 2005 19:54:22 +0000
text/plain (128 lines)
  Thanks Saihou, for your understanding. We hope and pray that the said internal problem is sorted out as stated by Karim. UDP should be on the lead to effect change in The Gambia-in that I mean they should stay onboard in these trying times. The Gambia, is bigger than any  of the opposition parties concerned and the watch word should be how to get rid of Yahya come the 2006, elections. Greed and love for power should be set aside for now. We have a common enemy, who is no other person than Yahya Jammeh. Let pursue the enemy,  come what may. Just a thought.....

saihou Mballow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:   [ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering by saihou Mballow ]

Pa Nderry,
thank you for keeping us inform. Hence,NADD
has a coordinator and a chairman,i would better wait
for their comments before reacting to this story.Thank


--- panderry mbai

> Gambia's firebrand politician Lamin Waa Juwara,
> says it is up to lawyer Ousainou Darboe to accept
> NADD, as a legitimate registered political party and
> not otherwise. Juwara, says he cannot understand why
> the UDP leader is trying advance an argument that
> NADD was an alliance and not a political party.
> "My message to Gambians both at home and abroad is
> not to be intoxicated about this issue. NADD is the
> main political party in the country. It is left with
> Ousainou Darboe to respect NADD, as a political
> party. I cannot understand why he cannot accept NADD
> as a political party. This is the reality on the
> ground."said the NDAM leader, in an interview with
> this paper.
> Juwara, says Darboe is not committed to the
> memorandum of understanding signed by the five
> opposition parties , which was a subject of
> discussion among the rank file of NADD. Juwara says
> the meeting could not reach to any definitive
> conclusion, as the parties concerned said they
> needed some further consultations, which in Juwara's
> own words"I don't know who we are to consult.
> Consult for what? Waa retorted
> The Niamina Dankunku lion said NADD is in good
> shape and they will allow not allow anybody to raise
> such trivial issues, which could delay the parties
> activities. He says whether Ousianou Darboe like it
> or not NADD is a political party. "NADD is a
> political party and had three elected MPS and local
> councillors. NADD is the main political party in
> the country." he insisted.
> When asked why lawyer Darboe was trying to raise
> the issue of memorandum of understanding at this
> hour, Waa says, Darboe was the right person to
> answer the said question. Juwara, says NADD belongs
> to the people and the issue of flag bearer will be
> put before the table for all to have a say.
> " I don't think NADD belongs to any person. It
> belongs to The Gambian public. We are going to have
> primaries to select the NADD flag bearer. I'm not
> interested in being a NADD leader." Waa Juwara,
> pointed out.
> Waa Juwara, an arch critic of the Jammeh
> administration says, it will not do any good to any
> NADD official to contemplates separation at this
> hour, insisting that they should remain united and
> effect democratic change in The Gambia come 2006
> polls.
> For his part NRP Hamat Bah, leader said come 2006,
> they will get rid of the "despotic and dictatorial"
> Jammeh government. He says NADD is in tack. Hamat
> said nothing can separate them and they will soon
> name a flag bearer. The NRP leader says the Ruling
> APRC is bent on undermining NADD, but maintains that
> NADD will be a success story come what may. He
> called on Gambians to continue to rally behind NADD.

/ )| |( \
/ / | OMAR OJ JALLOW , HAMAT BAH & | \ \
_( ( | _ _ | ) )_
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