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Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 21 Jul 2004 12:24:02 -0400
text/plain (161 lines)
OJ, fear nothing and they ain't going to do a darn thing!  The folks in
the NIA are being warned to not attempt to terrorize any.  That is one
outfit that is going to be dealt wit come 2006.  Gambians know the ones
doing the dirty work of that agency and trust me, we are going to clean
house.  Your job is to secure the people not to make them insecure.  We
pay for your survival damn it!  Without the taxed Dalasis of the people,
you fools are nothing, including your commander in chief, Yaya and we
provide for his behind too.  On top of all that, the Dix is robbing us
blind.  I'm sure the Alternative leadership is capable of dealing with
these knuckleheads in the NIA.  Only in a place like the Gambia will you
have ignoramuses with hardly any education to call themselves intelligence
gatherers.  It is explicit that for one to gather intelligence, one must
demonstrate intelligence on their part.  Thus, we have the knuckleheads in
the NIA.

Chi Jaama


> [ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering by Binneh S Minteh
> ]
> Folks,
> The constant arrestation and detention of prominent political figures
> by state agents in The Gambiat is grounded in a practical
> reality&nbsp;as another product of the disparity of power and the
> structure of a failed government under Yahya Jammeh. Omar jallow has
> done nothing other than exercising his constitutional right as a
> Gambian citizen, geared towards protecting and defending the rights of
> each and every Gambian. All this lies in the realm of ideology in
> Jammeh's attitudes towards power.The coalition should not be shaken by
> such actions. The whole world is watching and appropriate authorities
> are informed. Bravo omar jallow and the whole coalition. , Coalition On
> Collision Course Oj Picked Up for Critical July 22 Views
> &nbsp;
> Email This Page Print This Page
> Visit&nbsp;The&nbsp;Publisher's&nbsp;Site
> The Independent (Banjul)
> July 19, 2004 Posted to the web July 19, 2004
> Banjul
> One of the leading lights of the opposition coalition was Friday
> afternoon "invited" by personnel of the National Intelligence Agency
> (NIA) for interrogation over dissenting statements made in a local
> newspaper, questioning the rationale behind frantic preparations to
> mark President Jammeh's rise to power, riding on the back of a military
> coup exactly ten years ago. Omar Jallow, (OJ) who is the interim leader
> of the Peoples' Progressive Party (PPP) was whisked away from his home
> to NIA headquarters in Banjul, where he was questioned over his
> scabbing views published in the Point newspaper, haranguing the APRC
> leadership for daring to celebrate when a backlog of ills, which is its
> own making, bedevils the country. Mr. Jallow confirmed to The
> Independent, shortly after his short interrogation that he was being
> "bothered" by the NIA for fiercely holding onto alternative views about
> the APRC's ten-year stewardship of this country. "I was told to clarify
> my views about the July 22 1994 coup, whose commemoration I had
> condemned in the Point newspaper last week. My beef was that
> celebrating such a treasonable act by the Gambian military in 1994
> would send the wrong signals to junior officers of the army who may be
> encouraged to pull off such adventurism. I was being questioned for
> saying that military coups are illegal and dishonourable and should
> have no place in the psyche of the current generation. I was also
> bothered for expressly calling for a boycott of the July 22
> celebrations by representatives of missions from Europe, where
> countries stood against anything inimical to democracy and negates the
> rule of law. Coups are disdainfully seen in the political traditions of
> Europe and the United States as irreconcilably alien to democracy so my
> call for Jammeh's coup celebrations to be ignored is well within
> context" OJ argued. OJ said the views he had held about the matter
> before his interrogation by the NIA are still unchanged. He said they
> are opinions which strike an agreeable chord with those of any
> patriotic citizen of this country who profoundly resents the wasteful
> spending on the July 22 anniversary at a time when local hospitals are
> hard done by as a result of the shortage of drugs and personnel coupled
> with the already strangulating economic gridlock under which a growing
> majority of Gambians are literally groaning. He said he would also not
> hesitate to juxtapose The Gambia's condition with that of the Central
> African Republic under Jean Bedel Bokassa who had lived in splendid
> pomp and gaiety, spending over 3 million dollars while his subjects
> lived in poverty-induced misery and disease.
> Relevant Links
> West Africa Gambia
> "I still stand by these statements, as long as the forced recognition
> of such a disgraceful event in our country's history continues. Coups
> are unacceptable worldwide and I will not betray my conscious by
> accepting it for what it is" he expostulated. OJ was released on Friday
> evening but not before he was asked to write a statement.
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Chi Jaama
Joe Sambou

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