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Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 15:18:53 +0000
text/plain (228 lines)
You know Edi, you cannot waste my time here.  Most of the folks that Jammeh
hired that you supported are now fired, yet, instead of dealing with that,
you come here talking about whether they resigned or mutually agreed to
rescind their offer and acceptance.  What do I care why they were fired?  As
far as I am concerned they can all go to the abyss. Does that not say
something about your state of mind?  Sometimes you sound like you reason
with your feet up.  You come here to foam about Yaya, do you know him?  Have
you met him?  Is that relevant?  The way you come to me running, one would
think that I ordered the Massacre of the students or looted the Gambian
Treasury.  Only a crack pot will behave that way.

As to the allegation that Yaya extorted a Hummer from another Gambian, that
is what is called information sharing.  That is for those who are interested
to follow up, like the many allegations against Yaya.  You have to work with
half a brain to not see that I was asked to forward this.  Let me bring it
closer to home for you.  If the allegation was made against you, I will put
it out there if I was asked to, if you have anything to do with abusing the
business of the Gambian people.  Something tells me that you would be worse
that Yaya had we gotten the bad luck of living under your delusions.  You
cannot have it both ways Edi.  You either side with the Dirimo or you are
with the Gambian people.  You preached this nonsense of yours about the
Morro and others serving their country, but when they are fired, you just
coil your tail to raise some dust elsewhere.  Continue to stuck on stupid
and see if I give a hoot.  By the way, you are now the lone ranger among all
those that batted for the Dirimo.  The rest found some sense with the
mountain of evidence that is irrefutable.  Looks like you're having fun
being a lone wolf.

Chi Jaama


>From: Edie Sidibeh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Form Your Own Opinion
>Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 11:59:00 +0100
>Dear Sambou Joe
>Thanks for your response. I just have to admit the fact that you are taking
>for a ride because it is enough with just reading the the article as it is
>enough just say Moro is dismissed and he is a thief. I do not need to know
>the details to see if you are taking for the ride because is really plain
>and obvious to see. Before I can talk about anyone to the extend you do, I
>will either have to know the person or the fact over the issue because
>everyone is Innocent till you are proving guilty by the court of law. I can
>be wrong saying that you were taking for a ride but I am trying to show you
>how you act on hearing news.
>Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >Edi, thanks for your comments. Briefly, how did you conclude that I am
> >taken for a ride? Secondly, in the subject I did clearly state for you to
> >"form your own opinion". What ever you make of it is on you.
>Now, regarding Morro Sanneh, do I need to know him or have met him to be
>able to state here the obvious? Am I the only Gambian that have this view
>of that slime? Not at all. He betrayed the trust of Gambians and that is
>enough. Now if he has a special place in your heart, well, that's you. If
>you also want to go into Morro's head and come up with all kinds of "what
>ifs", that's fine, but that is not my cup of tea. One thing that you cannot
>refute is Yaya said that he fired Morro, and unless Morro says that he was
>not fired, your's is just speculation and does not measure with the timing
>and the bunch he was ploughed with. Finally, did you notice my use of
>quotation marks or words like "report", "corruption", etc., why do you
>I did that? I think it is evident why I did that. So how can you insinuate
>that I am agreeing that these folks are corrupt. Bottomline, you have your
>opinion as I do mine. Thanks for your time.
>Chi Jaama
>From: Edie Sidibeh
> >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: Re: Form Your Own Opinion
> >Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2005 12:56:25 +0100
> >
> >Mr Sambou Joe or tennis,
> >
> >I wish you can be mindful on some message send to you because reading
> >piece shows me the fact that this gay is just trying to make fool of you
> >but only if you can see. I think you are just jumping into conclusions
> >without knowing the actual contents. How can this car goes direct to
> >at the first place if he does not own it? Secondly are you sure Mr.
> >does not reject the second offer as secretary of trade and investment but
> >fired from that too because he was involve in misbehaviours act?
> >I will think he rejected the second offer because immediately after
> >releasing him from one post, he was straight away given another
> >You know for sure that these people are just used as scapegoats and some
> >them are clearly politically motivated as it always is in African
> >always have egos to feed.
> >
> >I do not think you know who Mr. Sanneh really is neither you have ever
> >with him. It can be true that he misbehaves because people changes in
> >but this will also heat me on the forehead. Moreover, these people were
> >working for the country to get better by accepting the post bestowed on
> >them even "if they" know the government is not the right government but
> >Gambia is among some of the developing countries suffering from
> >syndromes and if everybody rejected the post do you think that will be
> >downfall of the government? no I insist, but the downfall of the Gambia
> >her people because the government don't care what the people eat and
> >Therefore, there have to be some people who will be willing to work with
> >them and with those people we should not expect overnight changes after
> >their involvements.
> >Eddie
> >
> >Joe Sambou wrote:
> >All, below is mail I received privately, for those interested in
> >in the Gambia. Attached, are the documents that came with it. If anyone
> >can send the attachments to the L, we all will benefit from this info. I
> >not know the person that sent it to me, but I promise to protect their
> >Below, is what the sender said. Folks that are on the ground can conduct
> >private obversation of the said vehicle and whether it is the possession
> >the Dirimo of Kanilai. If Yaya stole this vehicle, or is trying to extort
> >from this Gambian, his behind will be exposed. Please read on.
> >
> >Hi Joe,
> >
> >these papers were sent to me by a friend in Holland,
> >showing that he sent this hummer to his dad in Banjul, but the
> >old man has not yet been able to own the car because it was driven
> >from the ports to Yahya. Who in turn does not want to deliver the vehicle
> >to
> >the rightful
> >owner, because he loves the car. I promosed the guy in Holland to do my
> >best
> >to have the info sent to the gam-l.
> >I will tell you who I am at a later date, we know eachother well.
> >I don't think this is a hoax, because the person sent me the papers of
> >car and that of the shipment to the Gambia himself.
> >I hope you will find it interesting enough to send to the L.
> >I really cant understand Yahya, with all the money he has he still keeps
> >his
> >eyes on "allal li jambour".
> >
> >The owner of the car is ****** *. ****.
> >
> >いいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい
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