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Dawda Jallow <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 23 Sep 2000 03:44:38 EDT
text/plain (35 lines)
               The Confused Child

The child watches the wide world and sees three
Players. The economy is in shambles struck by the
Greedy economists and his second hope the
Politicians are in a political boxing and
Political "karate or taekwondo" arena of "isms".
The Duma, House of  Representatives,
House of Commons, the Knesset and all the political
Houses globally are wrestling convivially.
Most pitiful is those that culminate in dialect struggle
Agenda contrary to, not to mention. Indeed a pity,
Yet remember the child. Whatever and in any case,
Remember the child, the future child, and the future, remember.
What did the sociologists say about these greed and
Fighting? Kiddy last hope profess that it's the World's
Social order and the society's philosophy.
The child is confused of WHOM to trust. Guide the kid
Towards GOD for peace of mind before the kid's psychiatric
Set up thickens up to become a forest with weeds,
Thorns, cacti and a heap of rubbles. Take the poor kid
By hand all the way through; not middle way, but all the
Way through the clouds of doubts as to shed the plumages
Like a "co- co- rio- co", or "cock- cock".

Dawda Jallow.2000.


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