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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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frank scott <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 17:23:16 -0800
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(415)868 1600 FAX (415) 868 0502
P.O. Box 31
Bolinas CA 94924
email: [log in to unmask]
April, 2003

Lies and other Market Forces

by Frank scott

"The size of the lie is a factor in causing it to be believed, for the
masses  are in their hearts more easily deceived than  consciously and
intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them
more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they often tell little
lies but would be ashamed to tell a big one."

-Adolph Hitler

Even that foremost demon of the 20th century might not have imagined the
U.S. regime’s capacity to both tell the biggest lies, and deceive the
public into believing them. Hitler might be dumbfounded at the extent
of  dishonesty the American people have been subjected to, though not at
their “primitive simplicity” in swallowing  the mental junk food they
have been force fed about Iraq.

Whether or not our court appointed government of fanatics have studied
Hitler’s work , they’ve done a hitlerian job of telling the most
outrageous  lies to to a gullible nation . None so ridiculous as the
creation of a monstrously powerful enemy , out of a crippled people and
a nasty tyrant. While most of the world has  seen through the
distortions and propaganda, a majority of Americans have been frightened
into believing stories that make the supernatural seem  down to earth by

Despite no evidence to prove such things, many citizens  believe that
Iraq  was involved in the terrorist attacks of 911, has tons of weapons
that threaten America, and is dominated by a demon who wants to rule
planet earth . At this point, some  may think that Saddam Hussein
organized the holocaust and arranged the crucifixion of Jesus. The near
miracle is that so many have not succumbed to a massive brainwashing
that has feverishly promoted a  rationale for insanity.

The morally degrading concept  of war  sanitizes mass murder, by
implying it means a  battle among equals, with one having threatened or
attacked the other. But If a 500 pound ape who beats and rapes  a 90
pound woman is having a “war” with her, than the USA is having a “war”
with Iraq.

Invisible Iraqi weapons of mass destruction are breathlessly headlined
by mass media , while  more visibly dangerous economic and social
problems are  in small print or ignored.  An intellectually challenged
regime , a morally challenged media and a spinally challenged opposition
are  silent about our real problems .  Such realities are hidden  from
national awareness with the cover of  fantasy terror tales . This
program of Hitler-style  big lies  masks a reality of  truthful horrors,
while also denying a reality of hope for humanity.   USrael’s ruling
Repub-Likud party , and its miserably moderate opposition , are  leading
the nation, and the world, towards a chaos that has nothing to do with

Our economy is dependent on an irresponsible  consumer credit binge,
with  Americans spending money they don’t have on products they don’t
need, but  it has become more dangerous than ever. When people are
maneuvered into treating their homes as  ATM  machines, renewing
mortgages at ever lower rates, created in order to put cash back into
the marketplace, artificial affluence is created out of very real debt.
National book-juggling, beyond what the swindlers at Enron or Worldcom
were capable of, has made  it appear that we are  solvent , when in
reality we  are  broke, and have been  for some time .

In a real democracy, such knowledge would lead to a government shakeup
and a revamped political process to remove control from the wealthy
corporadoes who have brought us into this fix. So, we hear massive lies
about  menace from an impoverished nation, allegedly representing a
horrible threat to humanity. Most of the world understands that the
menace  originates in the USA, and that the court appointed regime and
its spineless opposition are far greater dangers than the megalomanic
dictator of iraq .

It is amazing that the nation hasn’t already succumbed to mass hysteria,
given the contradictory messages  it has received . Iraq disregards the
UN, we are told, and that is wrong, but we can disregard the UN , and
that is right. Iraq has not honored UN resolutions , so it must be
bombed; israel has broken UN rules far more often, so it must receive
more American tax dollars. Praise the lord, and pass the prozac.

While our market fundamentalist leaders  follow the   patriotic
teachings of the declaration of ignorance and the protocols of the
elders of stupidity, the world grows more frightened, but hopefully
aware that only international cooperation can stop this malevolent force
that  threatens  the entire global community .

An  America which was getting sympathy from much of the world  after
911   - at least, the official world - has transformed that support into
deep rooted antagonism. As we further brutalize the suffering people of
Iraq, and Palestine , the next bloody act of terror in the USA, whenever
it happens, may be welcomed by the rest of the world. We owe this
turnabout to a despicable leadership which shames us with its
dishonesty, but our complicity makes it worse.

Americans may be the last to learn exactly what their government is up
to, but a substantial minority of them are working to join with those
world wide who demand peace now, and in the long term, a better world
for all of humanity. The present shattering of international and moral
laws is nothing new, but its outright blatancy may lead to a greater
urge for democracy, and disgust with those who make it impossible.

This rogue regime  continues a  race war on nonwhite people, while it
mortgages the global future to profit a rich, white minority. It
“borrows” time, space and money it cannot repay, to support a system the
world can no longer afford. Its big lies need to be countered by bigger
truths that defeat the new nazis of corporate capital, before they
destroy all of us.

Copyright (c) 2003 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.

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frank scott
email: [log in to unmask]
225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
(415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791