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Windows Explorer randomly crashes
windows 10
dual boot
still cannot use iPhoto Plus
PCSOFT Mailing list moving
All programs attempting to make changes to the computer-A serious problem????
iPhoto Plus 4
Wanted -- art/photo software
Un-wanted Software
Downloading software help please
Un-wanted Software
Accessing Backed-up Files
Start Up
shutdown script
Black Screen of death
Virtual Systems
.net error still there
batch file issue
Popups in Firefox
App to use iPad as a cell phone?
copying files and emails from old computer to new computer
"Microsoft Word (et.al.) have stopped working.
How do I.....
Microsoft Office 2013 stopped working
A new password question
Android apps
Symantec Email Proxy
Like a bad penny --
Microsoft account and email passwords
Restore does not work
windows tray emulation
Rogue email address
.Drive C is Low on space
Windows 8 Problems?
Sunspots? Or this old computer?
Followup: Thunderbird on Ubuntu
Setup boot sequence does not see the hdd
Java/Facebook pop-ups?
add-ons where are you???
Downloaded Music
How do I get rid of "Sweet Packs" toolbar
Windows 8 - closing windows?
Print /Web
Trouble with bookmarks
Wifi leeching
System Image
Viewing the C: Drive
web / print final hopefully
virus question
web print unsolved
web print solved / restore point
Question ??
Printing update
web print update
Urgent Excel problem
Recycle Bin
web browser/printing
Youtube freezing Firefox
splitting large audio files
Need a calendar program
ubuntu stability
Startup failure
Opening a downloaded excel file
Removing Free Zone Alarm Firewall
New Prog/light print
Reverting to Yahoo Classic Mail, was lousy YAHOO
lousy YAHOO
G Mail Problem
gmail problem

Sat, 16 Jan 2016 17:36:45 -0500
My computer's Windows "Explorer" started randomly crashing about a month ago. It doesn't seem to happen more than 1 or 2 times a week.
I saved the last two mini dumps as well as a !analyze -v log on the latest dump.
Anyone know where I can get these dump files looked at to see what is causing this issue?
Windows Ultimate 64bit.
Thanks for the help.

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cubbettee cubbettee
Sat, 1 Aug 2015 12:34:49 -0400
Hello All,

I had just downloaded windows 10 from MS site.
I wanted a pure ISO of the program to install at a later date

Interestingly, when I went to that web page while on windows7 it asked me to download a media creator tool (as you an see with the 32 and 64 bit download boxes)
When I went to that same site while on my 98 box, instead of that tool, it showed me the full 2+ gig of each to download--I don't know why that was different (but easier for me)

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cubbettee cubbettee
Mon, 25 Aug 2014 17:01:48 -0400
Hi all,

I have a question about putting back clones or images. with windows 98 I just put the image back onto a hard drive from another hard drive. With windows xp, I can not do that unless the image is less than 14 days old do to security issues. If I did, then my profile would have to be taken out of the network and put back in so that I can be recognized. Any work around. My images are pure with the latest versions of programs without me actually working on the computer. That is what I like

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V Vishwanathan
Sat, 28 Jun 2014 19:36:13 +0000

Thinking that my hdd (with win xp pro) was dead I switched over to a new one

and installed win8.

Now I have a feeling that the xp hdd may have some life.

I have 4 sata ports in my mobo and one is used by win8.

Suppose I hook up the xp hdd to the 2nd sata port and power it on

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tannis zamora
Sun, 11 May 2014 17:16:24 -0700
Hi Mark Rode, The issue I had when I put the Virtual XP on my Windows 7 Dell Optiplex 760 in order to run the iPhoto Plus program was in the Virtual XP Pro mode my printer and all other devices were not recognized and called for me to add the software. I haven't figured how to do that so I still cannot use my program. What am I doing wrong?  It seems silly to "add printer" when the printer is already on the machine.  How do I get the VIRTUAL XP OS to recognize the Windows 7 software/devices?  I 

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Bob Wright
Fri, 18 Apr 2014 17:44:52 -0400
I am Bob Wright and I am the Managing Senior Partner in The NoSpin Group, Inc.,the parent of PCSOFT mailing list. DO NOT respond to the mailing list, if you have questions, send them to Bob<[log in to unmask]>.

We have closed PCSOFT mailing list due to the low subscriber base, (less than 500). I have moved you to PCBUILD mailing list to join with that list. PCBUILD was separated into PCBUILD and PCSOFT over a 18 years ago. We have decided that one list that discusses PCs, hardware, software, diagnostics, tablets and cell phones.

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Joyce A
Sat, 12 Apr 2014 18:17:30 -0400
HP, 64-bit rebuilt tower with 850-gig HD and 4 Meg RAM, running Windows
7. Every time lately that I bring up a page, some words such as "lands"
are doubled and highlighted, example _landslands_. If I hover my mouse
over the duplicated words, something comes up that appears to be an ad,
e.g., Land's End
or some real estate agency in California. (I live in southeast Ohio!
LOL) Sometimes just the logo of the TornTV comes up, which reads Click
to continue > by Torntv V9.0.

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Mark Rode
Mon, 24 Mar 2014 13:22:19 -0700
Monday, March 24 2014, 13:11:42 PST

ICORS, which is our LISTSERV, and manages all our posts is having a
problem with Microsoft email addresses .Other mainstream addresses
could be involved as well. Our ListServe's SMTP server is being
blocked by three different blacklisting services Backscatter,
Lashback and SpamCannibal. This was caused when a ICORS IP number was
hacked and abused. This means that when these email addresses are
tested they bounce, and are automatically removed from the
lists. ICORS is in the process of changing the IP number to a new
<clean> one which should end all the drops.

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Bruce Lund
Sun, 23 Mar 2014 18:33:39 -0700
NOTE: The first half of this post is more background info which might be helpful in diagnostics. Actually problem is below the line of asterisks (*). With apologies if my information is  little sketchy. I can't get flash to work in Firefox. I don't remember exact versions but this computer has something like version 18.0. The Flash site says so. Under which it says the latest version is 17.8. Or something like that. Exact versions are not important but it seems odd that the Flash site is detecting a version later than what it says is the latest version. I think I 

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tannis zamora
Fri, 21 Mar 2014 19:42:34 -0700
When I attempt to install the program I receive a message telling me to contact the software company for a 64 bit version. I did a search for a 64 bit version and couldn't find it. Any help would be appreciated.   Again I am running Windows 7 Pro 64bit on an Optiplex 760 Dell desktop computer. PS Tony, I misspoke the software came with my Mustek Scanner not my HP printer.  thank you tannis ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Tony M <[log in to unmask]> To: [log in to unmask] Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 3:58 PM Subject: Re: [PCSOFT] Wanted -- art/photo software That is 

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Joyce A
Sat, 15 Mar 2014 20:21:00 -0400
I need something similar to Paint Shop Pro that is easy to use,
compatible with this 64-bit HP running Windows 7 Home Premium, SP 1, and
somewhere between cheap and free. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

SE Ohio

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John Clemence
Thu, 13 Mar 2014 09:54:14 +0000
Hi Mary, Paul and Jacob,
Thank you very much for your response to my query. With your advice I
should now be able to locate the files I want from my back-up hard-drive.
I was also trying to avoid accessing all programs via "my microsoft
account" on my new win 8.1 laptop. Firstly, I don't think that I have a
microsoft account and secondly I am used to accessing any progam I want
by clicking on the desktop, I can then close said programs by clicking
on the "cross" on top right corner..
I am now using this method and

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Dorothy Jones
Tue, 11 Mar 2014 02:45:28 -0700
How do I avoid using Briefcase when saving my files in Windows 7? When I find a file has gone into Briefcase, and I try to open it,  Briefcase it tells me another Brief case on another PC is already open and I must close that one before I can use the file I want to open. I know this is not correct as I only have the laptop I am currently using. I would much rather not use Briefcase at all. I ran a full scan yesterday and have no security or virus problems. Dorothy Jones 

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Diane Whitehouse
Mon, 10 Mar 2014 16:17:47 -0700
1. I'm a computer dimwit.
2. This is a Gateway with Windows Vista, using a Chrome Browser.
3. Thought to myself "at least here's a site I can trust if I see something
I want!
" PSOFT maintains hundreds of useful files for download
visit our download web page at:
http://freepctech.com/index.php/downloads "
But this is what I get: " Not Found

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J. Clemence
Sun, 9 Mar 2014 21:23:09 +0000
I am trying to get to grips with windows 8.1 after happily using windows
7 for a good while.
I wanted to install the traditional card games and after googling this I
started to download a file from, (I think c net site), but aborted this
when I realised there seemed to be some questionable stuff. I
un-installed the original programme but now I sometimes get an extra
window opening with the address :-
Has anyone any idea how I can get rid of this? I assumed c net was a
safe site??
I have also seen a

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J. Clemence
Fri, 7 Mar 2014 18:00:36 +0000
I hope I am posting in the correct way.
I am changing my laptop from a windows 7 model to a windows 8 one. I am
not too keen on using the windows easy transfer system as I don't want
to import all the dross I have accumulated over the years. I am
wondering if it is possible to access selected files from the external
drive I have used for my weekly back-up on the old laptop. If I can
easily identify files that I might want can I select and import these? I
am expecting I would like

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Krazy Kat
Thu, 6 Mar 2014 13:28:19 -0600
I have an ASUS computer running Win7 64, and if I turn off the computer
while it's booting up it brings me to a screen where it gives me a choice
to either run "system repair" or "boot normally". System repair is
selected and it tells me to use the arrow keys to select Boot Normally.
When I tried to select that it wouldn't let me. I tried tab keys, page
down keys, arrow keys, even the mouse. So I ended up in the System Repair
screen and managed to get to a place where I had a restart option.

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Jacob Smith
Tue, 11 Feb 2014 19:21:50 -0600
My recent admin privilege issue got me wondering if it would be possible to
create a shutdown script which requires admin privileges. Maybe if you give
it full privileges through the registry? I assume you can't get a uac
prompt on shutdown.
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Betti Ann and Preston
Sat, 8 Feb 2014 17:32:42 -0600

I have a Gateway NV7915u laptop with Win 7 Home Premium SP1

Several times a day it crashes - bright pin point light in upper right
corner of screen then immediate total system shut down with black scree

Are there any system files that might tell me what Happened? If so,
where would they be located

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Peter Ekkerman
Fri, 7 Feb 2014 02:55:53 -0500
To all interested in this subject.

Here is an overview of some of the software that's available,
but is by no means everything that is out there,

Several of them can create a virtual system where you can test software
without affecting your main system with regards to viruses or other malware.

Virtual environments:

Microsoft Virtual PC (VPC) (Not to be confused with Virtual PC - "XP Mode)

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Jacob Smith
Wed, 5 Feb 2014 16:35:23 -0600
This is the same issue I sent a while back, but I know a little more about
it, and I figured I'd try you guys again. A long while ago, I had a stroke
of brilliance: run a .reg file containing an entire registry backup, un the
computer with Windows running. Evidently, Windows lets you try to do that.
It failed, and ever since, I've had this error when I run a lot of
software: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscoreei.dll could
not be loaded". I renamed the file to
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\was v4.0.30319", for diagnostic
purposes. I am now getting
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorwks.dll could not be
loaded" I

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Jacob Smith
Thu, 30 Jan 2014 14:06:41 -0600
I believe I may have downloaded a trojan or virus. I ran a somewhat
suspicious program recently, and I received a warning something like this
"there is a file on your computer "c:/program" this could cause some
programs not to function properly. Renaming it to "program1" will fix this
problem." I was also having internet issues partially caused by internet
protection software of mine. I deleted the file, restarted, and had no
issues, the file has not reappeared yet. If it is malware, at least it's
poorly written. None of my software has detected malware though. I use
SUPERantispyware, Spyware

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Jacob Smith
Wed, 29 Jan 2014 11:07:25 -0600
I have written the following commands to a batch file:
if exist "C:\windows\system32\drivers\file.sys"
rename "C:\windows\system32\drivers\file.sys" "file.wassys"

rename "C:\windows\system32\drivers\file.wassys" "file.sys"
I run it as administrator, and I've also typed it into the terminal in
admin mode. Neither one does anything, no errors or prompts, nothing. I
know that the file exists and will for a long time. I've written a few
variants trying to change the working directory first, but they didn't work
either. what am I missing? I've run the rename command alone and it worked
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Joyce A
Mon, 27 Jan 2014 08:49:34 -0800
I know this has been covered before, but I am having to work from my laptop, Toshiba Satellite L675 running M$ Windows 7 SP1 so can't access my saved files nor links right now. (My old eMachine is down with a problem with the mouse, and I haven't received the necessary cable for the newer HP.) Browser is the latest update of Firefox. 

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Wed, 8 Jan 2014 15:40:10 -0700
I have an original iPad (hence limited to IOS 5.x) with a 3G interface. I haven't yet purchased a cellular plan for it, but am willing to do so IF it can do what I want. (If not, since I spend 95% of my waking hours where I have Wifi access, I can just go on ignoring the 3G part....) My wife has lost much of her vision, but it's possible that she could use a keypad the size of the iPad screen, if it can be made to function as a cell phone. I have an impression that an 

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Laurie Hand
Thu, 19 Dec 2013 21:07:43 -0500
Thanks so much to anybody who can help me. I just bought a Gateway
computer running Windows 8.1 and I want to copy my saved emails and various
files from several older computers to the new one. The older computers are
running Windows Vista and Windows XP.

I tried "easy transfer", but the new computer won't accept the transfer
from the Vista. I haven't tried anything with the XP yet.

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Edward Whitnall
Wed, 11 Dec 2013 08:27:09 -0800
I removed the original Office program and cloud installed a new copy. I get the same error message -  "Microsoft Word (et.al.) have stopped working.  We will investigate and tell you why, if we know."  A couple days later I received a "Why" from Microsoft that said "The error usually occurs because of macro security settings." and included me two pages of instruction that starts out "Go to Word (or Excel), Click on File, Options, Trust Center, Trust Center Settings and finally Macro Settings." The problem here, I can't get into Word (or Excel) so how can I follow instructions? 

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\0/ Carol
Mon, 9 Dec 2013 20:07:11 -0500
I recently installed Paint Shop Pro 10 on my computer. When I try to run the program, I get this message:

“To start this application for the first time, or to activate, log in using an administrator-level account. From then on you can use any user account to start this application”

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Edward Whitnall
Fri, 6 Dec 2013 05:18:18 -0800
I recently purchased and installed a new Epson scanner on my 64 bit Dell desktop running Windows 8-1. The 2013 Microsoft Office S/W that had been working perfectly, stopped working, giving me  "Microsoft Word (et.al.) have stopped working.  We will investigate and tell you why, if we know." I then tried to start office in the safe mode to see if I had added something with the Epson (even though it said it was 8-1 competitive on the box). It would not start. I then removed the scanner and all the scanner s/w I could find, but it still will 

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Joyce A
Wed, 4 Dec 2013 12:20:17 -0500
I just bought an older Compaq DeskPro, running Windows NT, at an estate
auction. It booted up fine 'til I got to the password screen.
Obviously I can't ask the man for the password! -- he has gone on to his
Great Reward.

I want to get into this computer to see if it happens to have an early
version of AutoCAD on it, as I suspect. Motive: if it does, I can do
some layouts for the room additions I want to build, and "rearrange the
furniture" in cyberspace before I hire the boys over here to physically

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Jacob Smith
Tue, 19 Nov 2013 13:39:26 -0600
I use VirtualBox and want to create an Android VM with Google Play that can
run the most demanding Android apps. The only way I know of to get Google
Play on Android is by sideloading, which can't be done in a VM. Even after
installing Android in the VM, It says that no OS was found, and the only
way to use Android is live. I've tried Bluestacks, but it didn't work. Any
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John Sowders
Wed, 13 Nov 2013 21:27:54 -0500
Whatever this is,( Symantec Email Proxy ) started suddenly a few days ago, and is deleting lots of my e-mails with the message below . They all start with this message .---"Symantec Email Proxy deleted the following email message: "-- as--- (example ) From: CNN Breaking News<[log in to unmask]>
I cannot find this program on my computer , or any way to stop it . It could have automatically downloaded in the late night with other updates ???
I am using a Dell Inspiron 530 computer with Windows XP Home Edition, service pack 3 , with Norton 360 Premier edition antivirus program

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Joyce A
Thu, 7 Nov 2013 16:46:19 -0500
-- that ASK toolbar and Search keeps cropping up! It was apparently
downloaded with some other software on a HP, Windows Vista SP1, 3 gig
memory and (I think) a 230- or a 250-gig hard drive. (Just
incidentally, with ASK in there, it won't let me download SP 2; the
download fails. Hmmm...)

I tried removing the ASK toolbar etc. through the Control Panel; didn't
work. Installed Bing desktop, then tried again. Thought I was rid of
it, but the next time someone went online with it, ASK was back.
:::sigh::: Tried disabling in in Tools; it came back like

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Preston Smith
Wed, 6 Nov 2013 14:45:13 -0400

I have not had much luck finding this info online

I have a Microsoft account named *. outlook.com with a password.

I also have two email accounts - one each of the outlook.com and
hotmail.ca varieties

AS I understand things, there should be different passwords for the
Microsoft account and for each of the email accounts.

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Fri, 27 Sep 2013 10:58:21 -0400
I'm getting a message when I start that says I should run ChkDsk but when I try to do that a I get another error message that says a "recent software installation" is preventing ChkDsk from running. When I go to Restore and select a date nothing happens to the restore window, only the Cancel button is operative the Next button is not operative. Any suggestions? Computer appears to be running fine, I just can't backup or restore. This is an HP machine running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. 

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Jacob Smith
Wed, 11 Sep 2013 16:21:36 -0500
How difficult would it be to emulate the Windows tray so that tray apps
could be displayed and managed with my own software?
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Sun, 8 Sep 2013 08:57:59 +0100
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of a rogue email address which has appeared in my "from" line? Every time I write an email I have to check that my correct email address appears before I it the send button. I don't know how it got there. Dorothy Jones 

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V Vishwanathan
Sat, 7 Sep 2013 07:19:49 +0530

For the past few days I have started getting a msg.as soon as the m/c

boots up. win xp sp3 is the o/s.

" data execution prevention-Microsoft Windows

To help protect your computer,Windows has closed this prog.

Name: Run a DLL as an App

Publisher:Microsoft Corporation"

[close message]

When I close it " send a report to ms etc,etc.

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John H
Tue, 3 Sep 2013 20:39:16 -0500
(1) I have two hard drives on my computer. I am using Windows Vista. The "C" drive is smaller and contains most of the programs. "C" is running low on space and I would like to transfer some stuff to the "D" (larger) drive. I use Windows Mail. Can I transfer the mail files to "D" and still make them available? If I transfer programs to "D" will they still work? Thank you for you advice.
(2) I make DVDs using Pinnacle Studio. I wind up with some titles in the DVD's folders but when I try to open them

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John Clemence
Sat, 24 Aug 2013 09:09:16 +0000

Not sure if I have posted here correctly. I have recently bought a new laptop with Windows 8, I was wondering if there is anyway to use this operating system without having everything going through a Microsoft account?

I cannot access Skype without logging in via Microsoft, it seems if I want to download things I have to use my Microsoft account - it just seems rather invasive, perhaps I am being neurotic.

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Joyce A
Wed, 21 Aug 2013 13:44:41 -0400
Same old "coffee grinder:" my eMachines, running Windows XP Home 2002,
SP 2, 1.8 GHz and 704 MB of RAM, 150-gig HD with only 23.3 gig used.
Running very, very slowly on a HughesNet connection -- and today, it
keeps overclocking. When I open Mozilla
Firefox, several incidences of the same blank page pop up and the top
page flickers. I have to use <CTRL> <ALT> <Delete> and it comes up "Not
responding." When I click End Task, I have to repeat that action per
the number of pages that have come up. Once it was twelve times and

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Thu, 8 Aug 2013 11:22:06 -0700
I posted a month or so ago, looking for suggestions of how to consolidate my Thunderbird mailboxes from two PCs running Ubuntu Linux onto a third, my primary computer. One response in particular was useful in finding where Thunderbird stores its folders and messages, although there were details I still had to figure out for myself. It turns out that each Thunderbird message folder is represented to the OS as a folder and two files of index/header information -- to find subfolders that are present, TBird looks to the index file and NOT to the OS folder contents.... One of 

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Eugene Johnson
Wed, 31 Jul 2013 22:56:52 -0400
PC Lenovo Thinkstation S10 (model 6423-cto).

PC working fine 4 years, now win 7 64 sp1 doesn't boot. Setup boot sequence does not see the hdd.

error message:"PXE(preboot execution environment)- E53 no boot file name received"

Used win 7 OS disk to check for errors, no help, but pc will boot with the OS CD running by selecting no at "boot from CD?".

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Jacob Smith
Sun, 7 Jul 2013 13:45:54 -0500
I'm trying the Windows 8.1 preview, I'd like to see how vulnerable to
malware it is. How can I try to get malware on it (besides visiting porn
sites)? I was looking for some sort of malware archive, but didn't find
one. Is it illegal to put freely available malware on the internet?
No Replies
Sat, 6 Jul 2013 12:04:13 -0700
Dear folks at PCSOFT,

I recently updated Firefox and re-installed pop-up blockers. I'm still
getting the annoying pop-ups, but now I have 2 new ones. One is the
FaceBook 'F' in the upper left hand corner of my screen. When I pass
the cursor over it, it turns into a 'forward' button, which says:
http://partners.cldrta.com/flaxh/ga.swf. I'm afraid go go there. When I
right click on it, I am offered several options, one of which is "Remove
this flash" which, when I click on it, will go away, only to return at
my next site.

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alan smith
Fri, 5 Jul 2013 04:29:28 -0700
I don't like somebody taking all my shortcuts away ( I have been living with it !! )   But I don't know how to fix it!    What is   " add-ons under tools in FF  "   I have to sign into  INTERNET EXPLORER, then my favorites!!   Can someone help me PLEASE         Al Smith 

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Betti Ann and Preston Smith
Mon, 24 Jun 2013 21:25:19 -0300

This 72 year old individual finally got his hands on an Ipod

Now I need to fill it with tunes

What sites offer free tunes for download - at my age I sure do not want
to run afoul of the download music police by frequenting the wrong site



PSOFT maintains hundreds of useful files for download
visit our download web page at:
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Joyce A
Sat, 22 Jun 2013 17:04:44 -0400
I inadvertently downloaded this "Sweet Packs Toolbar" when I downloaded
some photo editing software (which I hoped was similar to Paint Shop
Pro) to my 64-bit Toshiba laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium. Could
not use the photo program due to resolution issues, so deleted it.

But it seems I am still be stuck with the "Sweet Packs" toolbar. I
don't need it, don't want it, and can't use it. I already tried
removing it in the Control Panel and it's definitely gone from there.
Problem is, when I open Firefox, it's still there under my (wanted)
Yahoo! toolbar, and

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Dean Kukral
Wed, 19 Jun 2013 17:46:37 -0500
It will be a long time before I leave Windows 7, but a friend of mine
went out and purchased a new computer with Windows 8 on it.

She wants to know how to close a window after she's done with it. For
example, she says she uses a link to go to an email message, and, after
she is done with it, she doesn't know how to get out of it. She says
that there's "no red X to click on," and that she's had to turn the
machine off to get out of it. Sometimes that doesn't even

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cubbettee cubbettee
Tue, 28 May 2013 14:46:32 -0400
Hi again all,

Well I dicovered the print problem of printing just 1 page . Actually it was not a printer or adobe or even web issue. It is Hotmail. The problem was consistent if you hit any browser print icon while in Hotmail and yet all was fine when you hit the print icon of hotmail itself! Off to report that to hotmail now 😁

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No Replies
Sun, 26 May 2013 16:56:59 +0100
I use my bookmark folder a lot and somehow I have had hidden a couple of the files. Can anyone advise how to find and restore them? Dorothy Jones

The NOSPIN Group has added a new feature on our website,
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Visit our sister website at http://nospin.com
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Thu, 16 May 2013 08:51:55 +0930
I have for a long time had suspicions that somebody is logging in to my home
Wifi network and using my download allowance. I have used all the
appropriate settings in the router and use Truecrypt to avoid anybody
accessing my private information, banking details, passwords etc. I am
looking for any software which could tell me if outsiders have found a way
to use my internet connection. I have a D-link router with 2 wireless PC
connections and one usb connection. Any suggestions ??

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Krazy Kat
Thu, 2 May 2013 08:27:23 -0500
I have a Win7 64 bit computer with a 2 TB HD. I have it split into two
partitions C which has all my programs, and D which has all my data.

I did a System Image of my C drive to another installed drive. It was 216
GB. It took about 14 hour to create. That seems very long. Is this

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Michael Lanspa
Wed, 1 May 2013 09:25:03 -0700
When I call up the C: drive in Windows 7, I get a loooong list of files that I would rather not see, since I don't know what they are and will never try to view them.  These are files like b856f6242352c2480f and ad02bbeef1b9126cdd5d01a2a420, and many more.  I'd like to be able to suppress them from view or at least have my folders (Programs, Programs (x86), Users and few others at the top of the list. 

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cubbettee cubbettee
Mon, 29 Apr 2013 12:19:58 -0400

Well as I mentioned changing anything and looking at print preview on web broswers showed everything as 1 page. Well yesterday it showed and printed normally clear out of the blue--so I thought maybe one of windows update files did it. However, now the one program and adobe both stopped printing with the error of an updater file missing. So I update Adobe up from 9 to 10 and everything os ok for the moment. Heh, maybe this problem will now cycle through all programs at a different times.
Is there a way to keep a restore point, then

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Thu, 25 Apr 2013 21:45:26 -0400
I have recently acquired a used 2004 Volvo for which paper manuals are no longer available. Instead there is a software package called VADIS. Many versions are available on the net for torrent downloads. I downloaded one. It has a readme file on the "disc" and the first thing it suggests is doing a virus scan which I did using AVG free 2013. It found one suspected virus identified as WIN32/DH{WBICADVk} in a directory Scripts\PCAny\PCAnywheremsg.exe. When I follow up with AVG Threat website check I get a message saying it can't find any match to the virus name. Is this 

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cubbettee cubbettee
Sun, 21 Apr 2013 11:47:09 -0400
Well, I am back to printing one page from the print icon--even with metaking ou the pne in the print range that is never selected
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cubbettee cubbettee
Thu, 18 Apr 2013 12:26:47 -0400
Problem had a silly solution for printing only one page in web browsers that affected none of the other programs on the machine--just the print icon from the tool bar or drop down menus, but was fine when printing from a web pages print mode.
Remember the adobe settings were grayed out
I went back a frew months to a po restore point via safe mode since regular mode did not work and never has. I uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome and Firefox, but unable to uninsall IE8
Yesterday I clicked on print preferences, the radial button for all pages

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John Sowders
Wed, 17 Apr 2013 13:16:06 -0400
I have a file in My Documents that 'cannot ' be deleted , renamed or moved or dragged to the Recycle Bin.. Message says ' Cannot read from the source file or disc. '
Clicking on Properties shows 0 bytes size.
It was a link to a Youtube video , but I forgot to put a file extension on it when saved to My Documents .
Is there anyway to get rid of it ?Thanks .
I am still using Windows XP-3rd update-

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cubbettee cubbettee
Sun, 14 Apr 2013 20:47:53 -0400
Well I uninstalled out chrome and firefox and even pulled as much as I could out of the registry
Reinstalled them, even uninstalled and reinstalled the printer to no avail. IE 8 would not uninstall nor could i even delete the folder out from program files--all I could do is reset from the advanced tab. I am out of ideas. One person suggested delting out the user and putting in a new user, but since it is a one person user to the machine who has administrative rights, I doubt that would help

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cubbettee cubbettee
Sun, 14 Apr 2013 16:57:39 -0400
Well I looked at Adobe XI "Print" and those two areas were grayed out with noting in lang and grayed out select range
At work, advanced is set to Lang2 and select range. I did try a system restore sucessfully under safe mode to a point I had created 2 months ago. Do not know why I was unsuccessful in safe mode.
Through all the browsers, I still can only print one page if I selet the print icon of the browser or file print from the browser. Andf with the restore I am back to Adobe 8 and the

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Fri, 12 Apr 2013 12:19:53 +0100
I am working on an important Excel file and have hidden it by accident. My manual talks about clicking an unhide button but there is none and the banner is all greyed out. Can anyone help. Dorothy Jones

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Thu, 11 Apr 2013 09:28:08 -0500
When I run AVG I get a message about two files being infected in the recycle
bin on another drive, not my main drive. I'm not worried about the
infections, says something about a broken signature.

I'm just tired of getting the message. How can I remove the files from the
recycle bin when I can't seem to get to it?

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cubbettee cubbettee
Tue, 9 Apr 2013 13:23:14 -0400
That is wonderful that it is only an adobe issue, but I do not see how adobe would alter the web browswers ability to print just from the browswer print iocn and why all programs still print correctly, even if I chose a print friendly version within the browswer as well? 

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cubbettee cubbettee
Mon, 8 Apr 2013 12:34:52 -0400

I have a question on windows XP --which has Goggle Chrome, Firefox, IE8.
Recently a toolbar MIXDIDJI appeared--I successfully uninstalled that tool bar, its accompanying web search and take over of home pages. I also updated to adobe reader XI and a failed flash update. Now, when i print from any printer using the print icon of the browser it only prints the first page of text instead of all of it. If I use the Print friendly version within the web page itself that prints out fine as well as printing from all other programs. Going back to

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Bruce Lund
Fri, 29 Mar 2013 17:49:47 -0700
Compaq Evo D510 running XP Pro. I recently upped memory considerably to 2 gig.

Firefox has always been the bane of my existence. I like using it but memory leaks are a major annoyance and so I frequently end up having to kill the process. But this is different. I will be in FF with plenty of resources, but if I open something in Youtube, FF locks up using over 90% of CPU. Not occasionally. Virtually always. The kicker is that, if I watch a Youtube video embedded in a web page, I don't seem to have a problem. But

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Joyce A
Fri, 29 Mar 2013 19:08:25 -0400
My brother-in-law's Dell Inspiron 530, Windows Vista, IE 9) is infected
with the Alureon rootkit. I have tried MSSE, Windows Defender,
Malwarebytes, and Kaspersky and none of them has worked. The bug has
Internet access and antivirus updates blocked, so I downloaded MS
Support Emergency Response Tool, Avast! Antirootkit, and a couple of
others here at home and put them on a CD. I'll try those tomorrow when
I go over.

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Phillip Williams
Sat, 23 Mar 2013 15:14:42 -0500
Greetings all,

I have a computer set-up for live recording of my garage band. It's a
Pentium 4 3.20GHz hyper-threading rig with 2 gig ram, a 250 gig WD
SATA drive, 2 pci cards connected to (2) 8-channel microphone
interface units and xp home sp2 with a 2046mb paging file size setting
(too much ??).

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Bob Lendrim
Fri, 22 Mar 2013 21:50:27 -0400
I have been using a program called "Calendar Creator Plus v1.0" for many years. The copyright date shows 1987, the year Windows V2 came out. I have used it with Windows 3 through Vista 32. It includes lists of events (i.e. holidays) and allows me to enter my own events. The events repeat on the correct day every year. It allows me to view and print my calendars in various formats, week, month, etc. Over the years, I have seen and tried some newer versions of the same program but did not like them as well. It seems as if 

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Jacob Smith
Thu, 21 Mar 2013 15:56:58 -0500
Is Ubuntu ce less stable than Ubuntu?
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John Green
Tue, 19 Mar 2013 00:59:17 -0700
Oh well usually I am offering answers, now I an asking for one:


My eyesight is failing and I need a large illuminated keyboard. I have tried
3 1 was wireless Logitec and totally unacceptable.

The other 2 are ROCCAT Izku and the Razer Anansi I installed the driver for
both boards, and they both installed as "Other"

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Ronald Smith
Sat, 16 Mar 2013 07:52:31 +0000
Hello,   I have Win 7 on a Toshiba Satellite C660; recently a MS - induced update took over the desktop and shut down Windows, then restarted; but the restart failed, getting no further than a faded logo, then a washed-out cursor.   I tried a restart and saw a notice that Windows had failed to start in the 'Error Recovery' window, so ran 'Startup repair' several times. The diagnosis it offered was 'root cause - system volume on disk is corrupt' and so I ran the 'Startup Repair' function repeatedly, until a choice of startup modes appeared; I chose 'safe 

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Wed, 13 Mar 2013 22:02:28 +0000
Someone has sent me an important excel data file by email attachment. I use Microsoft Windows 7 and have Office 2010 on board which includes Excel, but when I try to open the file I see just a tiny picture in the middle of the file page. Can someone explain what is happening and how to rectify it? Dorothy Jones 

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Mikee Pearson
Tue, 12 Mar 2013 14:12:56 -0400
I use MS Win 7 HP/64-byte PC. I use my computer mostly for e-mail and web browsing, reading current events, research and such. I don’t have much knowledge about PCs. I don’t understand most of the technical computer jargon.

I tried to uninstall Free Zone Alarm Firewall. I used Revo Uninstaller without any success. Apparently ZA files are hidden and it tried to download itself and I think causes my PC to crash at times. I had used Free ZA Firewall for many years and had to stop using it because I cannot see the pop-up window when it “asks”

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cubbettee cubbettee
Sun, 3 Mar 2013 16:47:11 -0500
Hi Listers!

A new program that needs to be installed each year caused the printing from that program to become excessively light and only for that one updated program. Tech support after an hour trying had no idea and commented the program was completely revised with a whole new engine:

This then led to the following:

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Bruce Lund
Fri, 22 Feb 2013 13:23:26 -0800

Alan, I am happy to report, you can go home! Just had to deal with this about a month ago and it was even addressed on this list. All you have to do is kill Java. There are also a couple other possible workarounds, but disabling Java in Firefox did it for me!

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alan smith
Fri, 22 Feb 2013 04:47:08 -0800
I am having trouble with YAHOO. I have 36 contacts and I want to DELETE half of them   ( NO WAY )   Yahoo opening is too slow! Installing ads is part of the problem.   It sure makes the other E-mailers look real good!!   Has ANYONE got info on how to go BACK to the YAHOO that I've had for 10 years!! 

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Sharon K.
Thu, 21 Feb 2013 09:30:51 -0500
I have had the same problem receiving e-mails from accounts other than
gmail. Yesterday, I received an e-mail that was sent out 7 days prior. My
friend told me that she'd sent it out, but that it kept returning. And
THIS was a reply, not a fresh e-mail with a potential misspelling.

Do you want to signoff PCSOFT or just change to
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Jacob Smith
Wed, 20 Feb 2013 11:29:24 -0600
a friend of mine keeps trying to send me emails from gmail to my gmail and
hotmail accounts, and whatever we do, I can't receive them. Any ideas?
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Joe Rydzy
Sun, 17 Feb 2013 10:35:11 -0500
It seems that somebody hacked into my daughters pc and is downloading massive amounts of gigabytes. AT&T is now charging her for those gigabytes and recently had to disconnect internet service because of the astonomical bill. So I have 2 questions: Is it possible for some hadker to do this? And has anyone ever heard getting charged for excess gigabytes? We both had the residetial plan from AT&T. AT&T has tried to help but doesn't find anything wrong at their end and your getting charged for those amounts. Thank, Joe 

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